With only 13 days left in Spooky Season 2023, it would only be right for us frightful folks here at Macabre Daily to give you some recommendations on how to close out horror’s hallowed month! Many of us will endure 31 days of movies, while others will simply fit in what they can when they can, but what unites us all is our shared love for horror.

So as we wind down the last 13 days of October, the DEADitorial staff would like to offer some suggestions for your wicked watch lists. From zombies to abominable snow creatures, each day we will feature a specific horror topic and our staff will suggest a film they think you should watch.

Make sure to check back daily throughout the rest of the month, and let us know what YOUR pick would be by heading to our Instagram!

Day 8 of HorrorWeen: From Hell They Came!

Belial, Beelzebub, Mephisto, and more are just some of the names for the daddy of darkness, and a common character and/or theme in many a horror film. That’s right kids, today’s picks are courtesy of your old pal Satan! These are movies that dabble in the dark arts and conjure up creatures, beings, and unholiness every which way. If you’re looking to get closer to your devilish side, perhaps these films will accompany you to damnation!

Stay up to date with “The Dark Side Of Pop Culture” by following MacabreDaily on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.