(INTERVIEW) Actress KATE PATEL talks about her upcoming role in SCALPER!


The first month of a new year is typically a slow time for new releases, except for the horror genre. Every January it seems like the first films out of the gate are always genre films, and it is thanks to folks in the independent horror field that we have such a bounty of fresh films to take in even before we get used to writing a new year for the date. First up is Chad Ferrin’s sequel to his slasher/thriller Night Caller, SCALPER!

One of the stars of Scalper, actress Kate Patel was gracious enough to sit down with us and talk about working on the film. We cover a range of topics including horror films, acting, and how she prepared for her role as Detective Lupino. Check out the interview below and make sure to check back tomorrow for our review of Scalper!

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