Aml Ameen Talks New Sci-Fi Thriller PARALLEL (Exclusive)



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MD was fortunate enough to sit down and speak with one of the leading stars from the up-coming sci-fi thrillers of the year  "Parallel's", Aml Ameen. Ameen 35, talked science fiction, theories about the unknown, and learned about his upcoming plans for 2021. The actor who is currently in London was graceful enough to drop some clues for potential exciting news in the science fiction circuit. We'll take that information with a grain of salt. 

"Parallel" actor shared his thoughts on the possibility of the existence of multiverses or other dimensions. Do you believe in multiverses? "Yes I do", he expressed that "the evidence is all there". According to the actor, that when we fall asleep and dream, we often wake up to new and "different versions of ourselves". These versions of ourselves carry on memories, "The body has memories" and it's what "help us stay wholesome".

In the film, Aml plays the role of the protagonist Devon - Aml was drawn to the project and character due to Isaac's visionary storytelling and his passion for the sci-fi genre. "Issac's vision is so powerful" he also shared that he has a huge fascination with movies that delve into sci-fi and magic. "I've always had a fascination with time travel, movies like Back To The Future". According to the actor, stories in those genres "help explore the human truth" and "draw you into the truth". 

With a phenomenal production crew and cast that includes talent on and off the screen from all walks of life. Isaac Exaban, Martin Wallström, Aml Ameen, and Georgia King just to name a few. Aml weighed in on the film's multicultural diversity, " Having a detector from Mexico, co-stars from Sweden, and Scotland, myself  Caribbean British". "I love working with diversity". He also expressed that having the opportunity to work aside from a multicultural project with "many voices bring beautiful things". That school of thought has "always supported me". 

Parallel 2020

Parallel 2020

"All the characters that I've played are different parts of me, Devon is a different version of me," he said. "I believe I can do anything" when asked how different he was from the protagonist Devon he portrayed in the film. 

Aml also opened up that he once auditioned for a part in Star Wars, (No follow up on which movie or series).  MD - If you can be part of a major sci-fi franchise, what would it be? "Star Wars, I once auditioned". If the opportunity ever came around he said he would love to be in Back To The Future if it ever got a reboot, he admitted that he's been a longtime diehard fan of the franchise. During the interview with MD, he shared with us that he was wearing a Back To The Future garment while speaking to us (coolest thing ever!). Another aspiring title would be Thunder Cats and Land Before Time. "Land Before Time, a film depiction of before recorded history, I would love that". 

In this conversation with MD, Ameen shared his thoughts on post-pandemic and future outcomes for moviegoers stated that "it worked in its favor" implying that more viewers are embracing these social and economic changes happening in the movie industry. "The world needs content" people will continue to watch cinema as before but with new media and methods. "Change the way of the mainstream," Ameen said - "cinema is like church, its what we did, like the 90's and 80's". 

Finishing his directorial debut is just one of many things Aml Ameen is looking forward to in 2021. Ameed is currently in production on his new holiday rom-com Boxing Day, out to premiere soon. He's also very optimistic about the next step that society has in store for us, " I'm looking forward to the possibility where we go as humanity".  Very positive outlook expressed by the actor, "imagination becomes the freedom portal". 

One speculated clue that Ameen has something excited in store for sci-fi fans, he replied: "Put it in the universe!" When asked if there were any sci-fi projects he'll be involved in 2021. He mentioned that between 2021 and 2022 he'll be a household name. Great Scott! All that mention of Back To The Future had our wheels turning… that heavy.

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It was an extreme honor and privilege to have had an exclusive conversation with such a talented individual. Aml Ameen has a pretty impressive resume and we look forward to seeing him in future projects. Don't forget to look for Parallel out on December 11th. Are you excited for Parallel? Are you excited for any of Aml's upcoming projects? Let us know! 

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