As an elder millennial, seeing how many horror fans are revisiting the 90s with less judgment than before is fascinating. I’ll be the first to admit, the 90s has always been a decade ripe for revisiting. And I say that as someone who lived and developed during that time. Sure, I wasn’t aware that some of the movies I was seeing would later be receiving broad acclaim, but I also knew that there was something about films during that time that made them different. The horror genre was a hotbed of original activity, especially in the first half of the decade before Scream brought the slasher back. At that time, FULL MOON FEATURES was churning out some of the most interesting and original concepts wholly catering to the cult/sci-fi/horror crowd, of which is today’s title, NETHERWORLD. Now with a brand new remaster on blu ray, is this a title worth remembering or is it not fit for this world?


After inheriting a sprawling estate in the eerie bayous of Louisiana, Corey Thornton's life will change forever. Through instructions left to him at the mansion, Corey learns of his late father's bizarre plan and last wish to be resurrected and is introduced to a very sensual and sexy woman, Delores, a mistress of black magic who drags the helpless young man into a web of forbidden desires and horrifying visions of his dead dad...and things far, far worse!


NETHERWORLD has one of those covers that is almost burned into the brain of every person who ever graced a video store. The iconic dead and dusty hand reaches out to you, beckoning you to rent it and unlock the treasures within. My memories of this film were at best vague, so going back to it decades later after the initial viewing feels very much like a first-time watch already. I’m happy to say that this revisit is one of joy and not sorrow, and it was delightful diving back into this iconic VHS cover classic!

NETHERWORLD has one of the more unique twists on the resurrection genre and all the hallmarks of FULL MOON FEATURES in tow. A young man inherits an old southern estate from his late father, an estate that happens to be across the pond from a mysterious brothel. The young man, Cory, finds out that his father passed with a final request for Cory to help resurrect him with the help of Dolores, a woman who works at the brothel. What makes this take unique is the bird-creature aesthetic and mythology at play that make this feel as much fantastical as it is horrific. The creature and practical effects are top-notch and look absolutely great with this recently remastered release. One of the best parts of early 90s horror is that practical makeup effects had gotten so ubiquitous that with minimal budgets magic is made, and NETHERWORLD is a prime example of that imagination that early Full Moon films are known for.

Elevating the viewing experience is stunning cinematography that captures both the beauty and the mystery of the bayou south. There is a humidity apparent throughout the film that only goes to bring you further into the sticky elements and landscapes found within. This lush and poignant cinematography is only hampered by one element, and that’s the pacing. On the whole, the film keeps up a decent pace, but there is an unevenness that can be a little frustrating in the 2nd act. This isn’t something that takes away too much from the viewing experience, however, it is important to highlight any potential areas of concern in spite of how much fun this film is overall. For those who are seeking something familiar yet original, NETHERWORLD is certainly one to seek it and doesn’t overstay its weird welcome!


FULL MOON FEATURES has been dabbling in the world of 4K discs and remasters, to mostly positive reception. NETHERWORLD is an example of how great a remaster can be, and now it is presented in its uncut original presentation from the source camera negative. The 2K presentation pops off the screen and doesn’t show many if any, signs of age. It is a testament to the good work that can be done with remasters, even if it can sometimes feel like a cash grab. Images from this film can be seen throughout the review and below:


There are no special features of note worth reviewing for this release. A full list of those features included are listed below:


  • Full Moon Features Trailers

  • Netherworld Videozone behind-the-scenes featurette


NETHERWORLD is an early-90s classic that every horror fan should prioritize a watch sometime soon, especially with a great new remaster that looks and sounds great from FULL MOON FEATURES. A must-own for the discerning horror fan and collector 


Thank you to the fine fiends over at MVD ENTERTAINMENT for providing a review copy for the crypt! Netherworld is available NOW and can be purchased via MVD DIRECT!

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