"ISLAND OF THE DOLLS" (2024) Trailer Shows Us Why Somethings Shouldn’t Be Investigated


Movies exploring potentially haunted locations offer a captivating blend of suspense, horrific-induced mystery, and sometimes the element of the supernatural. These horror films often center around the exploration of abandoned houses, eerie forests, or even historical landmarks with dark and sinister pasts. The infatuation of such settings lies in their ability to evoke a sense of dread and anticipation that makes them ignore the potential horrors ahead of them. In horror movies like these, characters end up navigating through the shadows and uncovering the secrets of the haunted location. Whether it's the bone-chilling atmosphere, the ominously eerie history, or the evil spectral encounters, these horror movies tap into our odd fascination with the unknown. They make our primal fears of the supernatural turn into some macabre curiosity that some main characters in horror movies end up retreating or causing deadly results. Watching characters confront the paranormal forces lurking within these locations can be both exhilarating and chilling, making for a great experience for any horror fan that leaves them on the edge of their seats.

TERROR FILMS RELEASING has teamed with director Sebastian Mantilla to release his horror film, ‘Island of the Dolls’. This movie stars Isela Vega, Paul Alayo, Emma Raine Walker, and Dayleigh Nelson. The movie follows modern-day journalist, Emily, who takes an assignment to research and uncover the truth about the infamous Island of the Dolls. With the assistance of her friend and several locals, they travel to the island, soon discovering the danger which awaits them. Despite some threatening incidents, Emily is determined to crack the case. Will she accept the truth, or will her obsession finally consume her? Mantilla shared their thoughts about the making of the film:


“When I found out about this film which was based on the island, this is what first grabbed my attention and on top of that, the visual aspect of the island is impressive; this is essential for someone such as a director or a cinematographer to have in telling the story about the mysterious legend surrounding the island. But we are going to tell this story from more of a human aspect and approach it from a psychological side in how our emotions can manipulate us by turning us into our own puppets of emotions.”

TFR will premiere the film on their YouTube Terror Channel on May 17th, 2024, including a live chat with the filmmaker & cast. The film will then roll out across multiple platforms on June 1st, 2024, including Amazon, Tubi TV, PlayNow Media, UDU TV, Kings of Horror, and many more. Be sure to check out the official trailer here and stay tuned for an upcoming review of this movie exclusively here at Macabre Daily!

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