FETCH BOOK 2: THE RESCUE – Confrontation In The Underworld
As we said back in December last year, Fetch Book 2: The Rescue is coming out in May, so there is still plenty of time to catch up before its release. You can check our review of Fetch Book 1: The Journey with this link. The ending of Book 1 should have you eager for more, and Book 2 doesn’t disappoint.
Fetch Book 2 picks up immediately after the cliffhanger in Book 1 and covers Danni’s final confrontation with Hades himself. There is only so much that can be said without spoiling, but sufficed to say the feel of a Pixar film does continue, in all the best ways.
Friends are found and lost, lies are revealed and truths are found. And it all culminates in a finale that takes the gods themselves by surprise. They tie off most of the loose threads from The Journey with the first half of The Rescue, giving plenty of room for narrative escalation and the climactic confrontation with the god of the Underworld.
The visuals and set pieces are even more spectacular than the first, with mixtures of eerie and epic. There is a wonderful sense of scale and scope, from the small and intimate to the gigantic and looming to a degree I rarely get see captured so well in this medium.
So if you’ve already picked up the first part, you should already be ready to pick up Book 2 on the 8th of May. If you haven’t, and you are a fan of Pixar films; Greek Mythology; and child-driven, whimsical adventures (like Labyrinth, Mirrormask, or Neverending Story), then this is the sort of comic for you.
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