MACABRE DAILY 2024 DIE-LIGHTS: Sean's Interview Highlights (RANT)
2024 saw me, Sean O’Connor, join the Team here at Macabre Daily as a contributor and all-around pain in the ass as I tormented Owner and Editor-in-Chief Matt Orozco with deleted articles, deleted headlines, deleted templates, and an all-around sense of…” Wha?” as I learned the tricks of the trade. Five months in, and I can honestly say this has been one of the most fulfilling and joyous experiences of my life. Suicide from “RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD” had it right when he said, “You think this is a fuckin’ costume? This is a way of life…” Now, he was talking about Punk, but it certainly applies to Horror, too. This horror community is something unique and special, so here are five interviews to share from the past year to show you how cool, creative, and inclusive these amazing people are. Happy New Year, and here’s to a frightfully fun 2025!
Director Mike Hermosa and co-screenwriters Johnny Wickham and Mike Capes sat down to talk about their insanely fun horror comedy “INVISIBLE RAPTOR.” Capes also played the lead role in this loving tribute to all things Jurassic,c and the trio talked about how the film came together, something they all thought would never happen. Thankfully, they were wrong, and the end result is a laugh-out-loud passion project that will have you on the floor by the time the end credits roll. You can check out a review of the film here.
This past summer, I was lucky enough to cover the BROOKLYN BOOKS AND BOOS EVENT at the Wild East Brewing Company hosted by the incredibly talented folks from THE BROOKLYN HORROR SOCIETY. David, Matthew, Julia, and Adam are doing remarkable work putting live events together in the Tri-State area. Trivia, screenings, author events, you name it, they’re doing it. Follow them on Instagram @brooklynhorrorsociety to see what they’ll be hosting next! We had a great time talking about how they started and their plans for the future. Horror is alive and well here on the East Coast, and we appreciate all they’re doing to keep us all spooky.
Nicole M. Wolverton is one of the most exciting and unique voices in horror writing today. Her novel, “A MISFORTUNE OF LAKE MONSTERS,” was one of our highlights for 2024. We sat down to discuss cryptids, misfits, the beauty of friendship, and the fascinating fulfillment we get from horror.
This was the first interview I’d ever done, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement. Fun fact you didn’t ask for: I sweated through the chair I was sitting on. You may not be a doctor, but I assure you it takes a lot of sweat to do that….a lot. I had nothing to be nervous about because Harold Perrineau was the nicest, sweetest, coolest person, and we couldn’t be happier that “FROM” has been renewed for another season.
Nat Cassady is one of the most thrilling voices in horror right now, and the fact that he’s also an actor, musician, playwright, and a really genuinely nice guy makes him the full package. He released a devastatingly intense horror novella, “REST STOP,” in 2024, and I was lucky enough to talk to him about this fantastically nasty piece of work. You can check out the novella review here. We can’t wait for Nat’s new novel, “WHEN THE WOLF COME HOME,” in 2025. We’re reading the ARC now and will have Nat back to discuss it closer to launch.
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Sean O'Connor has been an avid horror fan for the last 4 decades. From the Universal Classics through the New French Extremity, Sean has tried to expand his knowledge and love for the genre through film and literature and looks forward to reviewing all types of world cinema with Macabre Daily.