New STAR WARS Book Finally Explains Emperor Palpatine's Return And Supreme Leader Snoke's Creation!


Let’s face it, The Star Wars sequels that came out a few years ago left a lot of fans wondering how in da blue hell did Palpatine get a body and return and also, who was Supreme Leader Snoke? Before these films came out, it was universally accepted that Palpatine was dead. Capitol D, DEAD! But like most things, sometimes, they come back!

Fans were left having to piece together the mystery of Palpatine’s return themselves…until now.

Things are cleared up a little in new book, Star Wars: The Secrets of the Sith. Shared by @JacobsQuest on Twitter, this tie-in recounts events from Palpatine's perspective as he explains that his "consciousness [was] transferred into a new body on Exegol." However, "even after years of experimentation, the cloning techniques employed by my acolytes were inadequate. They could not create a vessel capable of containing my unfathomable power."

Unable to leave Exegol due to the poor state of his new body, Palpatine reveals that, "As part of their genetic experiments, my followers had attempted to create another being that came to be known as Snoke. Although his body proved unworthy of containing my dark essence, Snoke's natural sensitivity to the Force would make him a powerful puppet nonetheless."

The book confirms that "Strand-Casting" was used to create "countless modified clone bodies" from Palpatine's genetic material. The only one that survived was his "son" (Rey's father), but his lack of connection to the Force meant he was useless to the powerful Sith Lord.

Whether or not this new explanation will be accepted by Star Wars fans, is yet to be seen.