Posts tagged LGTBQ
DEPROG – Trying To Alter Your Perspective

Tate Debs is a classic hard-boiled detective. Hard-drinking, leather-clad, and easily swayed by seductive femme fatales. Especially when they ask for help that is specifically matches here skill set. Having escaped herself from a cult believing in inter-dimensional travel and taboo ritual sex, Tate specialises in deprogramming people who have escaped abusive groups. When the gorgeous and mysterious Vera asks her to infiltrate a group of desert-dwelling, mystical hippies, Tate has to consider if she’s worth the risk of facing her past trauma, on top of whatever this group has in store.

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Macabre Daily Interview with DEATH DROP GORGEOUS' Christopher Dalpe

Macabre Daily sits down with Christopher Dalpe, one of the creative forces behind the new drag horror-comedy film, DEATH DROP GORGEOUS, which releases in select theaters and OnDemand on September 10, 2021.

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