Posts tagged Mia Jones
"THE BEAST OF WALTON STREET" (2024) Juxstaposes The Harsh Reality Of The Unhoused With A Malvolent Werewolf (REVIEW)

If you’re familiar with Skid Row, the unhoused community that occupies a section of downtown Los Angeles, then you are aware of the real-life “horror” it represents. Travelers who poured in with big dreams were met with disappointment and were left to find their way on the streets. Introduce drugs into the mix, as well as a growing number of people with mental health issues who were dropped off within the “contained” area, and you create a community that society deemed as “undesirables” who are left to fend for themselves. Many people within the LGBTQ community have felt pushed out and alone, and after seeing a documentary on Skid Row, writer/director Dusty Austen was inspired to create her own story on the homeless community - and throw in a werewolf.

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