VOD from the Dead - Boris Karloff: The Man Behind The Monster
A reasonable argument could be made for the claim that Boris Karloff is the most iconic actor in horror history. While you may be inclined to disagree at first, I would encourage you to reconsider just how enormous of an impact Boris Karloff has had on horror history past, present, and undoubtedly the future. The thing is, before watching the new documentary from SHOUT! STUDIOS, BORIS KARLOFF: THE MAN BEHIND THE MONSTER, I probably would have disagreed with my own statement. It just so happens that I had recently re-watched James Whales’ classics FRANKENSTEIN and BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (perfect films if you ask me), and I couldn’t help but appreciate the outstanding performance from Karloff. It’s more than just the makeup, even though it is quite iconic, it’s the subtleties of how Karloff plays The Monster. The glances, movements, and glazed look of wonder all work to create an image and an emotion that sticks with you long after the film's credits have rolled. It’s that lasting power, which extends beyond his work as Frankenstein’s monster, that is front and center in this documentary.
BORIS KARLOFF: THE MAN BEHIND THE MONSTER sheds light on William Henry Pratt (better known by his stage name, Boris Karloff) as Hollywood’s master of menace, as well as his films, his legend, and the fears that haunted him through his life.
Best known for his role as “The Monster” in the classic horror films Frankenstein (1931), Bride of Frankenstein (1935), and Son of Frankenstein (1939), this documentary examines Karloff’s extraordinary 60-year career in the entertainment industry, as well as his continuing influence as a horror icon.
Karloff’s unique face was his trademark, alongside his acting
This probably comes as no surprise after you’ve read my intro, but I absolutely adored this documentary. To be honest, though, I’m a junkie for documentaries about horror films and actors. It’s like comfort food to me, and I gorge myself on it whenever I have the opportunity. What makes BORIS KARLOFF: THE MAN BEHIND THE MONSTER stand out is it touches on a blind spot in my own horror history. While I was always intimately familiar with the Universal Monsters (I mean, what horror fan isn’t) I never knew much about the people who played the monsters beyond Bela Lugosi. And even there, my knowledge was shallow at best. It’s somewhat serendipitous that I re-watched two of Karloff’s highest regarded films before getting the opportunity to watch this, because it made this experience that much more enjoyable with my memory fresh of his unforgettable performances.
The documentary itself is a breezy 98 minutes, which feels just right without ever overstaying its welcome. While I’m not one to say how many details may have been omitted, it felt as if the film creators knew exactly how much detail to go into without going unnecessarily deep. Given Karloff’s long history and legacy of work, I could easily see this being a Ken Burns-length experience, but nothing feels sacrificed in this film. Karloff’s life story is told mostly through anecdotes shared by the narrator and a slew of famous faces I’m sure many horror fans will recognize. From Guillermo Del Toro, Joe Dante, Ron Perlman, and more we are offered an experiential look at Karloff’s life from those who knew him and/or admired him deeply. It’s not hard to see why either. Karloff was a man whose contributions to the film industry I reckon most casual filmgoers would never know. Like how he used to have secret meetings with actors in a forum that would eventually become the SAG-AFTRA union. Or how Karloff spent most of his younger adult life in silent films trying to catch a break. And it isn’t just the stories shared in interviews that are compelling, it’s the audio and video clips of Karloff himself talking about different parts of his life and career. It’s bittersweet hearing him speak, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness in his passing despite it being so long ago and at an old age.
Going back to Karloff’s vast body of work, what I found myself doing quite often was taking names of films he’s been in I haven’t seen and put them in a Letterboxd list so I won’t forget them. It’s one of the many reasons I enjoy these kinds of documentaries so much, they are full of suggestions for movies that time has forgotten or are simply passed over. If nothing else, documentaries like BORIS KARLOFF: THE MAN BEHIND THE MONSTER serve as a constant reminder of our horror heritage, and a reason to dive into the past even if there are reservations. While some horror fans avoid black & white or subtitled films, I would challenge those same fans to watch a documentary like this and see if that doesn’t change your mind. Seeing how Karloff made these creatures come to life highlights the importance of the partnership between actors and make-up effects. Acknowledging that makeup effects can only do so much, but if you have the right person in that makeup it can make all the difference.
Frankenstein’s Monster is Karloff’s best-known role, but it’s one of many.
BORIS KARLOFF: THE MAN BEHIND THE MONSTER is a triumph and celebration of, in this reviewer's opinion, the most iconic horror actor of all time. The various perspectives and stories shared by a potpourri of familiar faces and the clips of Karloff all serve to remind us of the wonderful contributions Karloff made to the world of film, and most directly horror films.
Directed By
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Where can you watch it?
Available on Digital and On Demand Everywhere October 26, 2021, from Shout! Studios