Woman Cuts Off Boyfriends Penis After He Tried To Rape 14-Year Old Daughter - "I Have No Regrets For What I Did"


A mother in India is accused of cutting off her boyfriend’s genitals after he allegedly tried to rape her 14-year-old daughter, according to local reporting.

The incident was reported on Wednesday in Uttar Pradesh, a state in northern India near the border with Nepal. The 36-year-old woman, who was not named in the reporting, told the Times of India that she had been working on a farm and came home to find her 32-year-old, live-in boyfriend attacking her teenage daughter.

"I was working in the farm when the incident took place," the mother was quoted as saying by the Times of India. "Fortunately I returned home in the nick of time and caught him red-handed."

The panicked mother tried to save her daughter, and the boyfriend then allegedly attacked her, the report said.

"So I brought a knife from the kitchen and chopped off his private parts to teach him a lesson. I have no regrets for what I did," the mother told the Times of India.

An officer with the Lakhimpur police station told the news outlet that the boyfriend was booked for rape under a child sexual abuse law in India.

It was unclear if the mom faces charges. We honestly don’t think she should.

In 2018 there was a rape and killing of an 8-year-old girl in India’s Jammu-Kashmir state and the alleged rape of a girl by a ruling party lawmaker in Uttar Pradesh state — the same state where the recent incident occurred — triggered the government to approve of the death penalty for people convicted of raping children under 12.

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