'28 YEARS LATER' Officially Being Developed By Original Creative Team


When 28 Days Later burst onto the scene in 2002, director Danny Boyle was already a household name due to his film Trainspotting and it was the first time screenwriter, Alex Garland, was introduced to the horror community.

A sequel to 28 Days Later would follow in 2007, titled 28 Weeks Later. However, Boyle did not return to direct and Garland did not write the screenplay. The sequel would earn high praise from critics and turn a tidy profit at the box office, despite not quite reaching the same heights as its predecessor.

Over the years, there have been talks of a third entry in the franchise, aptly titled 28 Months Later but its development never really got off the ground due to issues surrounding who actually owned the rights to the IP.

Now it seems like the stars are aligning for a 28 YEARS LATER film with both of the original films creative minds attached. The pair recently spoke with Inverse about the project. "A few years ago an idea materialized in my head for what would be really 28 Years Later," said Garland. "Danny always liked the idea."

Boyle added that if Garland did not wish to direct the pic, he wouldn't be opposed to jumping in the director's chair himself.

"So we’re talking about it quite seriously, quite diligently,” explained Boyle.

“If he doesn’t want to direct it himself I’ll be well up for it if we can execute a similarly good idea.”

Garland would go on to reveal that he wasn't exactly the biggest fan of 28 Weeks Later so perhaps his misgivings about the sequel will be enough motivation to make the Academy Awards-nominated writer also direct. "I resisted [making a sequel] for a long time because there were things about 28 Weeks that bugged me,” said Garland.

“I just thought, ‘F*ck that. I’d rather try to write a different story in a different world."

We’ll keep you posted if we hear any more rumblings about 28 YEARS LATER.

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