"HERETIC" Trailer Demands Faith For Survival



A24 has become the go-to destination for art house horror, and they’ve consistently managed to capture the zeitgeist with their brand of socially conscious and occasionally transgressive style of filmmaking. No matter how you feel about the studio, it is undeniable that they are releasing some of the most unique and challenging genre films we’ve seen in some time. On the heels of the upcoming release of “MaXXXine”, A24 has a few “miracles” up their sleeves with their newest trailer for “Heretic”.

Releasing this fall, no firm release date yet, the film stars Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher, and Chloe East, and is written/directed by the duo of Scott Becker and Bryan Woods. Becker and Woods may not be household names, but they’ve penned such modern classics like “A Quiet Place” (and it’s sequel) and “Haunt”, so no one should question their genre chops. The trailer doesn’t divulge much, which we love, but it does give us a taste of how religion and belief will be a central theme to propel the horror throughout. Check out the trailer, and we will bring more updates as they become available!

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