Interview With The Vampire S2; Episode 4: To Have Loved And Lost (Spoilers)


Photo Credit: Larry Horricks/AMC

To begin where we left off in episode three of Anne Rice’s ‘Interview With The Vampire’, we find ourselves in present-day Dubai during the interview with Molloy, Louis, and Armand. Having gained some new information about the vampiric duo, it’s almost impossible for Molloy to slip under the radar with Armand reading his mind.

Whilst engaging in a mindless exchange of words, he asks about the fire at the Theatre. Both Louis and Armand appear confused as to how he got this information since they didn’t include it in their archives. Molloy claims that one of his researchers had read about it in preparation for the interview… Close call on that one.

Armand begins to invade Molloy’s memories repeating a phrase “You said you’d only do her if she had put a bag over her head- and she did.” Images of a person with a clear plastic bag over their head appear flashing through his mind. Obviously stirred up, he asks for some aspirins for his “migraine” and collects himself. The interview continues as Molloy begins to pull out some photos that Louis took during his days of photography.

This aspect actually played a big role during this episode; seeing Louis discover something that brings him joy in a clouded world. But yet, he criticizes himself to the point of no return. Being compared to other artists or being told that he is good but just not “that good” is tough on the psyche, even if you’re a vampire.

Photo Credit: Larry Horricks/AMC

Speaking of the photos, Louis notices that a specific picture Molloy picks out isn’t his and belongs to Fred Stein. Flustered by this, he lashes out at Armand believing it was he who put those photos in with the mix of others. Why would he do this? Louis believed that Armand wanted to make him “look better”, but Armand claimed that it was not him. Another odd bit of information that Molloy somehow happened to have…

Let’s transition to Claudia for a bit. As her heart grows weary from her unhappiness, she still keeps her role as lead in the play. Although, she doesn’t have much of a choice. While roaming the streets of Paris in her costume, handing out flyers for the play, she stumbles upon the seamstress who had made her dress for the first show at the Theatre. They exchange a bit of banter and Claudia invites her to the play, she accepts.

After the showing, Armand discovers Claudia has made a new friend and forbids her from seeing her again, also telling her that she has to work harder than she was before, and threateningly bringing up her little “mishap” with Lestat that he admittedly knows about.

Furious, Claudia storms home and tells Louis that she can’t believe that he told Armand about Lestat, while Louis claims he knew the whole time after reading their minds the first day. As they argue, she says that he chose someone else again instead of her. It’s honestly tough to not feel bad for her, it is clear that Armand wants Claudia out of the picture so he can have him all to himself.

Photo Credit: Larry Horricks/AMC

After Claudia goes off to her room, Louis and Lestat go for a walk at the park to “hunt.” He always knows how to appear at just the right times. While talking and sitting in the rain on a bench in the park, we go back to Louis and Claudia’s apartment to find Santiago and two other vampires searching the home for any evidence of their true origins. He has quite the inkling that they may be from New Orleans and not Chicago as they once claimed.

Back at the park, Lestat asks Louis if he is going to break it off with him (Armand) as he knows he summoned him; he says yes. Lestat says that he is not surprised but happy that he tried. Armand slowly walks down the wet pavement towards the two, as Lestat begins to fade away. Now we just have to say that this part actually really got to us. Louis finally parting ways with Lestat was cathartic but also saddening knowing everything that have been through. We’re curious to see if Lestat can somehow make his presence known again, but he seems to be at peace with Louis’ decision.

We also dive into Armand’s origin story, which was heartbreaking, to say the least. Being sold in a brothel for a good part of his life after being sold by his family, and enduring abuse by the Captain of the ship that now owned him. It makes you realize that with all he has been through has brought him so much strength in his vampiric life. This episode was probably one of our favorites from season two so far; the moment you think it’s getting good, it just gets better. The amount of insight we received but also the questions left unanswered will definitely make for a great fifth episode.

Tune in Sunday, June 9th, to AMC and AMC+ for episode five of Anne Rice’s Interview With The Vampire. How is it that we’re already halfway through? We’re not ready for it to be over! Make sure to head back here to check out the next episode overview.

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