PARALLELS' Martin Wallstrom Talks Sci-Fi, Parallel Universes And More! (Exclusive)


Macabre Daily had the honor of speaking with Mr. Robots' very own Martin Wallström and star of the new science-fiction thriller PARALLEL. Wallström 37, exclusively shared with MD his experience on working with 'Parallels' director Isaac Ezban, he also gave us his insight on his favorite horror and sci-fi titles. The actor who is currently in Sweden took the time to answer a few questions in the horror and sci-fi allure. He also dropped some clues to his upcoming projects for 2021. 



MD - I recently had the honor of interviewing your co-star Aml Ameen, I hit him with deep questions about the existence of a multiverse. Do you believe in the existence of parallel universes? 

Wallström - Yeah, I do, I do. I think that the universe is big enough, it's still probable that multiverses can exist, so yeah. 


MD - What was it about this project 'Parallel' and the role of Noel that drew you in? 

Wallstöm - I read the script, then I thought that Isaac had a very interesting take on SciFi. I'm not a very big sci-fi fan myself, but I can see that this had some kind of philosophical or other interesting meaning to it. And also about Noel, I thought he had a bright and interesting journey, and also I've never done sci-fi or that kind of genre before, so I was a bit interested in trying a new role. 


MD - Yeah, this is a dedicated horror and sci-fi sight, so I actually have more of those questions ahead, thank you for that answer. How was it working with director Isaac Ezban? 

Wallström - Isaac, is a film lover, and he has a very clear vision of what he wants to do, especially when it comes to his work or something that happens. On the other hand, he's also very easy to collaborate with. I'm the type of actor that likes to have ideas to spread. I told him that on other days I'll throw him some ideas and "I want you to know it's just a suggestion and if you don't like it, I won't take it personally". He also at times, of course, we didn't always have the same ideas, that kind of direction helped things go smooth, sometimes we'd come up with something that was better than our separate ideas. Yeah, I'd love to work with him again, I'd be interested to see, work in a script that he's written himself, see how that would be.

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MD - In the film, your character Noel steals advanced technology to have an "advantage" in his reality. If you could bring back anything from that multiverse, what would that be? 

Wallström - I would bring back a machine that would make me a formula one driver. 


MD - Since this is a dedicated horror and sci-fi outlet, we want to get your insight and ask: what are some of your favorite horror or sci-fi films? 

Wallström - What kind of sci-fi? I am a big Spider-Man fan. I did love the one with Andrew Garfield, directed by Mark Webb, I'm fawn of that one. In The Shadows, is that sci-fi? Or comedy with a twist? MD - Yeah, that's under the horror-comedy umbrella, yeah sure. Wallström - oh and Let The Right One In, the original one, the Swedish version, I like that one. 


MD - We've recently discovered that you use to narrate audiobooks. If given the opportunity, would you ever consider narrating 'Parallel' in an audiobook? 

Wallsröm - Of course, sure if it's written in a book, I'm interested, yeah. Where do I sign up? 


MD - Since taking on this genre, has your interest in doing more sci-fi projects grown? 

Wallström - No. And I'm saying that in a way that this film didn't interest me less. I don't think I'm drawn to a certain genre by its self. Every project is unique and I think I always look for some sort of challenge or something I haven't done before, rather it'll be sci-fi drama, or comedy. I'm not looking at genres in that way, Of course, I've tried them and my interest is in the director and if it's a good project and genre. I'd love to do comedy or even a musical, something other, I'd like to try. 


MD - Could we expect to see more of Martin Wallström in 2021? 

Wallström - Yeah, I think so. I last did two movies. Crime theory of films, we did four of them in 2020 and two of them will be released in 2021, at least that but who knows, we'll see.


MD - What are you looking forward to the most in 2021? 

Wallström - I am looking forward to hopefully having a grip on this pandemic. If so, mingling with other people and hopefully coming out of it stronger as human beings. I'd say that's my number one wish for 2021. 


MD - Well thank you so much, Martin, for sharing that with us and taking the time, on behalf of MD I enjoyed our time together, it was a pleasure. 

Wallström - Thank you, Phil 

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