Rapper Andy Cartwright Was ALIVE When Wife Marina Kokhal Began Chopping Him Up


Murder is never a soft subject and news of rapper Andy Cartwright’s passing sent waves through the hip hop community when it was reported earlier last year. Now it seems that more details are coming in and it gets grislier and grislier by the sentence.

In a shocking update into the grisly murder of Russian-Ukrainian rapper Andy Cartwright, it has been revealed that he was still alive when his wife began chopping off body parts. New forensic evidence showed that Cartwright, whose real name was Alexander Yushko, was still alive when Marina Kokhal “began dismembering him” after he was reportedly starved of oxygen.

The report stated that the chopping of the body “occurred shortly - a few minutes, dozens of minutes - before death.” Multiple organs of the rapper were allegedly thrown away by Kokhal. Forensic experts reportedly claimed that among the eight vital organs, some were either missing or had been put in a washing machine. It has also been said that Cartwright's wife gave his fingertips to rats and disposed of other body parts in bin bags.

The 30-year-old died at his home in St Petersburg in July 2020. Though his wife had confessed to cutting his body and keeping them in the fridge, she denied murdering him. The 37-year-old, and only suspect in the case, has always claimed that the reason behind Cartwright's death was a drug overdose. Kokhal also mentioned that she chopped off her husband’s remains so that his fans did not know he had died such an “inglorious” death. She had planned to tell everyone that Cartwright had "disappeared". Her lawyer Irina Skurtu had earlier said, “She categorically does not admit guilt, did not admit it, and is not going to admit it. The cause of her husband's death has not yet been established. Marina herself still declares that she did not kill, but only dismembered the body.”

“The remains were kept in Alexander's room (in black bin liners) and in a fridge. The smell was only in this room. She seemed to me absolutely sane, although very nervous, but she can be understood. She does not look to me like a mad drug addict. She explained the situation quite coherently, but kept repeating: ‘What have I done? What have I done?’” Skurtu added.

Though Kokhal is reportedly the only suspect in the musician’s death, Russian authorities have not yet found any evidence that confirms her involvement in his death. She was behind jail for months before being released in October 2021. According to reports, Cartwright was in an extramarital relationship with a 26-year-old-girl Nadia Romanenko, which allegedly prompted his wife to kill him. His alleged lover has said, “Our sexual relations took place at my apartment. I specially rented a flat near his apartment block. We met every day, and Kokhal did not know about it.”

Meanwhile, the accused’s lawyers have said that Kokhal was wrongfully blamed for “drinking her dead husband’s blood and having sex with his corpse”. The mother-of-one is currently under house arrest as the probe into the case continues. Also, Kokhal, who shared videos with titles like “Congenital aggression. Serial killers” and “When you know your husband's lover personally” on YouTube, is expected to face a fresh trial soon into the case.