Roll The Dice As "TOTAL PARTY KILL" Opens Up Crowdfunding!
Table Top RPGs (TTRPGs) are a niche within themselves and cover a wide, and diverse array of games and genres. Fantasy fans will be familiar with the likes of Warhammer and Dungeons & Dragons, while sci-fi fans clamor over Warhammer 40k and horror fans can gush over Werewolf: The Apocalypse and the whole World of Darkness universe. If you’ve never partaken in a game session before, it’s part improv acting part strategic thinking as you and the other players compete together or against one another to either complete a campaign or be the last person standing. These games can range from a brisk 45-minutes to sessions that take multiple days or even weeks to complete, depending on how large and deep your campaign is. With all this creativity and imagination, it’s a wonder that no one has tried to adapt the world of TTRPGs to film, until now!
“Total Party Kill” Is an upcoming horror film from co-writer/director/producer Allan “Poe” Sanchez and a cast of scream queens and leading ladies like Sarah Nicklin, Fayna Sanchez, Gracie Lacey, and Soren McVay. The film started it’s fundraising campaign today and is aiming to generate $10,000 to fund the production. Like many other crowdfunded films, there is a plethora of ways and price ranges you can get involved at from $5 to $3000 if you’re keen on getting your first Executive Producer credit. Check out the indiegogo announcement video below, and chip in if you can to support independent horror!
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