We here at Macabre Daily were fortunate to have a conversation with Powell Robinson, the Director of Photography on “Mr. Crocket” to discuss how he brought the 90s aesthetic into the modern era authentically.
Read MoreSince the early 90s, it has been said that subliminal messaging is hidden in children’s television shows… Creepy images, sexual innuendos, AD sponsorships, you know the deal. Now we grew up watching things like “The Ren & Stimpy Show” and “Cow and Chicken”, so one could believe there was a little bit of truth behind those “conspiracies.” What a fever dream.
Read MoreAs the leaves begin to fall, and the air presents a slight chill, we can feel Halloween quickly creeping in. Which means new spooky films for us to indulge in, and Hulu is no stranger to the horror.
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