Trippy 80s Horror Flick 'BEYOND DREAM'S DOOR Arrives On Shudder Today!


We here at Macabredaily always root for the Indy films and one film that grabbed our attention immediately is Director/Writer Jay Woelfel's ‘BEYOND DREAMS DOOR.’ The film starts streaming on Shudder TODAY and we have a trailer as well as a few great stills to get you hyped on this flick from the late 80s.

Speaking with Jay, he provided some awesome insights into the film and what it took to get it made.

BEYOND DREAM'S DOOR was my first feature film shot in 1988 and released in 1989. It was based on an award winning short film I'd done as a student at The Ohio State University and we shot the feature version on the campus as sort of a farewell to Ohio and College.” Says Woelfel

The film came out from VID AMERICA in the U.S. as well as in various foreign countries in 1989 and 1990.

“The film rode the tail end of the videostore boom and also the end of what many call the GOLDEN ERA for Horror films. It was made for under 100,000 dollars and shot on film. I wanted it to be different from the slasher dominated films of the time.”

Image Curtesy Of Jay Woelfel

The film has steadily gained a following and a DVD of it was brought out in 2005, also that year the film showed at the HP LOVECRAFT FILM FESTIVAL in Oregon.

This began a series of revival screenings of the film at niche theatres around the country.

After that there was even a limited VHS rerelease. Last April it was released in HD for the first time transferred from the original camera negative by Vinegar Syndrome, the lead film in a box set of so called HOME GROWN HORRORS. (You can purchase the boxed set here!)

Image Courtesy of Jay Woelfel

Now, starting today, Shudder has picked up the film and will have it for 2 years. Other streaming services will also start to show the film as 2022 progresses.

Image Courtesy Of Jay Woelfel

With the release in April of 2021 a new audience has found the film. The film was recently picked up for theatrical release by AGFA.

The film has been compared to Nightmare On Elm Street in tone and hey, if Joe Bob Briggs gave this bad boy a 3 stars, you know it’s worth the watch!

Beyond Dream’s Door was written and directed by Jay Woelfel and stars Nick Baldasare, Jorge Aguirre, Dianna Ashton, Scott Bauer, R. Michael Bell, Larry Bennett, Lisa Box, Daniel Carnevale, Andrew Conaway, Richard Davis, John Dunleavy.