Black Gloves and Bloody Murder - 5 Giallos to watch in January


January is a month usually synonymous with resolutions (made and broken) and new beginnings, but for the past few years, there has been a trend that has been gaining momentum in the first month of the year. A trend that you either are already aware of or are about to be. That’s right, I’m talking about #GialloJanuary! 

The credit for #GialloJanuary can be squarely placed on the LA-based monthly film party organizers Cinematic Void who organize screenings all over the city (pre-pandemic of course). Having been to a few of these in past, including Giallo January in 2019 (memories), it’s a tradition that has been a welcome addition to the first month of the year to start with J.

This isn’t a film-challenge as much as it is a month dedicated to honoring all the flavors of Giallo films from throughout the years. From the classy to the trashy, Argento to Martino. This is about black-gloved killers, exotic locales, confusing plot lines, and sometimes senseless conclusions that defy logic and sometimes even science. So if you’re looking to indoctrinate yourself into this New Year tradition, or you’re a seasoned veteran looking for something off the beaten path, this list is for you!

The Corruption of Chris Miller (La Corrupción de Chris Miller)

Spain 1973

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This Spanish shocker is one brought to us by the lovely folks at Vinegar Syndrome, and it’s a real hidden gem if there ever was one. A crazy story about a drifter who is taken in by a couple of wealthy women who has a habit of murdering and plundering rich widows. There are some genuinely shocking death scenes in this one, and the ending is one of the most satisfying examples the genre has to offer. This is an oddity in this bunch as it is not an Italian production. Before you cry foul, I think even the most stodgy of purists will see how fitting this film fits into the genre despite the geographic differences.

Strip Nude for Your Killer (Nude per l'assassino)

Italian 1975

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While the name certainly implies the level of sleaze that the Giallo genre is often known for, this mid-70’s entry from Andrea Bianchi offers a compelling twist on the traditional black-clad killer fare. A somewhat taboo tale of a back alley abortion and a motorcycle helmet black leather killer taking out a bunch of modeling agency employees. The misogyny runs deep in this one, and the beautiful Edwige French gets treated like absolute dirt by your typical Giallo goon, but the hyper-violent kills start to roll in to keep things moving along as does heaps of hardly dressed Europeans.

Blood and Black Lace (6 donne per l'assassino)

Italian 1964

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Often regarded as one of the first Giallo films, Mario Bava’s classic murder masterpiece holds up extremely well and is one of the most influential films of all time. A whodunnit of the most macabre order, and a template that we’ve seen time and time again even to this day. In this case, high-fashion and murder are on full display as a trenchcoated killer kills a model who was secretly keeping a diary of dirt on everyone around her. The search for the diary and the killer are on, and everyone’s a suspect. Lush scenery and snobbery abound, and quite a bit of violent ends as well. While it won’t wet the modern-day gorehounds appetite, this 60’s classic still packs a punch and is absolutely beautiful to watch in glorious HD!

Delerium (Le foto di Gioia)

Italian 1987

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I have a confession to make; I want to remake this movie. Not like Gus Van Sant shot-for-shot, but take the myriad of concepts that it borrows from and formulate it into something current. Shades of “Eyes of Laura Mars”, “Rear Window”, and “Body Double” and probably the closest to softcore porn Giallo gets are abound in the other Bava’s (Lamberto that is) late 80’s contribution to the genre. This time, a wealthy widow and ex-nude fashion icon runs her own nudie mag until one by one her models start to be killed off and posed in the same fashion as her most famous photos. Despite how all over the place this one is, and how much it clearly borrows (lifts) from other movies before it doesn’t tame down the fact that the story is batshit insane and so are the kills. There are some standouts I won’t spoil, but suffice to say if you thought the bee’s in “My Girl” were too much you best beware!

What Have They Done to Your Daughters (La polizia chiede aiuto)

Italian 1972

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Why many Giallo usually focus on the sexualization and murder of adults, Massimo Dallamano’s 1972 shocker points the lens on children. In this case, a 14-year girl is murdered and as the case begins to unravel another black leather motorcycle riding killer is out there trying to stop the truth from getting out. The “truth” in this case is probably not as shocking today as it was then, but it still packs quite a punch on account of how blasé some of the children involved are about the things going on. Not without fault, and rife with plenty of outdated views on gender roles in society, this is a prime example of one of the best the genre has to offer. Up there with other such Giallo Greats like Argento’s “Deep Red” and Sergio Martino’s “Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key” (say that 10 times fast), “What Have They Done to Your Daughters” is a perfect way to end your Giallo January journey!

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