GAME OF THRONES Star Peter Dinklage Reveals Why He Signed On To Be In The Upcoming TOXIC AVENGER Reboot!


Admittedly, when we heard the news that Game Of Thrones alum, Peter Dinklage, would be starring in a Troma film…we laughed. I mean come on, dude was on the biggest show in years and most recently played Cyrano De Bergerac, so why be in a Troma film? And not just any Troma film, The Toxic Avenger?

For the pure fun it will be…duh!

In an exclusive interview with Empire, Peter Dinklage reflected on his reasoning for taking a role in a Troma film, even though the company has a reputation for putting out films with more of a B-movie ranking and he has now risen to have quite the name recognition and star power.

It’s a lot of fun. I just wanted to do something that I’ve never done before. So why not be a monster in an over-the-top, crazy movie, and why not sing in another one?

If you recall, The Toxic Avenger focused on a nerdy loser type who gets thrown in a vat of radioactive goo and turns into a super hero. yeah, not the greatest writing but it worked for Spider-Man right?

The original version of The Toxic Avenger was originally released back in the ‘80s and is one of the crown jewels of Troma Entertainment. Dinklage goes on to explain that this film will not be a remake of the original.

“It's not a remake. I just like guerrilla filmmaking. Those movies – they just made them, no matter what. They just did it because they love doing it. Some of them are not the best, but some are so much fun. When you make movies too clean, it can distance the audience. They want to feel the dirt under their fingernails. I think those Troma films definitely dipped the audience in toxic waste.”

Troma for sure has a slew of B Movie and schlock level films under its belt to not be taken seriously by certain highfaluting types but if you enjoy Troma, this casting SORTA makes sense. Dinklage comes from a punk rock background (he was in a punk band in the 80s) and has shown his range is huge in films and TV so why not?!

We honestly can’t wait to see him as The Toxic Avenger and will loop back with more info as we get it.