IGNITE FILMS And EAGLE ROCK PICTURES Share Mysterious News About The 40th Anniversary Of "RE-ANIMATOR"


Without a doubt, one of the greatest horror comedies of all time is H.P. Lovecraft’s “Re-Animator” from Director Stuart Gordon and Producer Brian Yuzna. The film single-handedly made the careers of two horror legends, Barbara Crampton and Jeffrey Combs, and spawned a franchise with 4 films to date as well as an off-Broadway musical. So yeah, “Re-Animator” is quite a big deal we’d say. With that, can you believe it’s been almost 40 years since the film’s initial release? Just like airplanes and helicopters, time flies, don’t it?

As the 40th anniversary approaches in 2025, the folks at Ignite Films and Eagle Rock Pictures have shared some cryptic, but exciting information about what they may have in store for this celebratory anniversary. If we are making guesses and taking bets, we think we will see a brand spanking new 4K UHD release of the film next year…and we hope we’re right! Check out the details below to learn more, and we will provide updates as they become available!

From The Press Release

“Who’s going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow.”

It's true! The 40th Anniversary of Re-Animator is almost here! 

There is exciting news coming to life soon that you won’t want to miss!

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Ignite Films and Eagle Rock Pictures have teamed up to launch an award-winning home video label dedicated to restoring and preserving classic films for collectors and future generations. Their revitalized iconic films are meticulously restored and include original engaging new bonus features, ensuring that these cinematic treasures continue to inspire and captivate audiences for years to come.

Their recent 4K UHD release is the Saturn Award-winning restoration of the original sci-fi classic Invaders From Mars (1953). The release also won the Best Rediscovery of a Forgotten Film from the Il Cinema Ritrovato DVD Awards ®2023 and the Hollywood Professional Association’s Inaugural Jury Award® for Outstanding Achievement in Restoration.

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