It's Kill Or Be Killed In Terror Films' Horror Revenge Movie “RESTITUTION” (REVIEW)


Some say revenge is a dish best served cold, but as most horror fans know it is best served gory and full of psychological terror. It is one of the best situations for some horror sub-genres. In a revenge horror movie, a story of the victim transitioning into a person of power can cause remarkable story-driven experiences for horror fans. By the main character reclaiming agency through cunning, and often very brutal determination, the horror movie villain has the rug pulled out from under them. Initially, the main character is stripped of control and subjected to terror that becomes the fuel they need to start their bloody path of revenge. The important thing about the victim's transformation is that it is driven by a deep anger that becomes a consuming desire for retribution. This horrific journey often involves a moral descent as the movie’s main character adopts the tactics of their tormentors. They decide to turn the tables to become a force of vengeance that embodies both justice and the very horror they once feared. In this macabre-induced metamorphosis, the victim's vulnerability becomes their greatest weapon. It becomes strengthened as they harness their pain and anger to not only survive but dominate those who wronged them. These revenge horror movies have become one of the most popular sub-genres that continuously drive the masses to the theaters.

Recently we here at Macabre Daily decided to grab our torture kits and our drive for revenge to watch the newest addition to Terror Films’s horror library “Restitution”. This movie is directed by Danny Draven (“Patient Seven”, “Bad CGI Gator”) with the script written by Mark Allen (“Early Grave”). It stars Co’el Mahal, Chris Gann, James Black, and Jonathan Shores. This horror movie also marks the first original production from Terror Films Releasing since they launched in 2016. The synopsis for this movie is as follows:

“The movie centers around Mia Wagner (Co’el Mahal), the sole survivor of a serial killer who brutally murdered her entire family as a child, only to be released years later on a technicality. When the judicial system fails her, Mia decides to take matters into her own hands.”

“Restitution” masterfully blends psychological horror with stomach-churning gore, all while being set against a backdrop of eerie isolation with the cabin in the woods setting. The movie’s remote setting amplifies the rage that our vengeful protagonist puts upon the vulnerability of her captured killer. It creates an almost suffocating atmosphere where the killer Darren (portrayed by Jonathan Shores) and his dread-fueled paranoia steadily escalate as he sees things from his victim’s perspective. As the story unfolds, the psychological terror deepens with Mia slowly losing control of her rage against Darren when he doesn’t admit to what he did. The back and forth that happens between both her and the captured killer sets a foundation for the entire movie by the main characters both grappling with a mix of emotions. They each beautifully grapple with their sanity, being haunted by the past and the need for bloody rage on both sides.

This psychological unease is punctuated by the brutal, gore-filled moments that Mia carries out against her prisoner, but also the carnage we see the killer provide to some innocent people who happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. These moments are as shocking as they are symbolic of Mia’s crusade for vengeance, reflecting her internal torment over the years and now coming face to face with her family’s killer. Something also to mention with the story is the isolation that not only strips away the killer’s defenses, as most of this film has him tied to a chair being beaten and even having one of his teeth pulled. The isolation brings her deepest rage, fear, and PTSD to the surface while she tries to keep a brave face. Mia has moments where she slips and has to psych herself up to stay on track with what must be done. This makes “Restitution” a harrowing exploration of the rollercoaster that comes with the need to put one’s vengeance at ease and the feeling of justice being served.

How this movie is shot is also a big contender for why this movie works so well. While this takes place over the span of a day or two, the bright light sunshine outside of the beautiful, wooded area adds a bit of duality with the dark nature that is happening inside the cabin. The scenes where Mia is interrogating Darren, hitting him, and yelling in his face are some of the most incredibly shot moments of the movie. The way that they cut back and forth between both the main characters is done so fluidly you do not feel like you are missing any important moments of the escalating argument.

Even the moments when Mia has to shift her emotions from rage to calm and collected are really well done not only by the framing but the talented acting from Co’el Mahal. She takes you on the crazy rollercoaster ride of her pain and insane rage towards Darren. It really represents the need for her vengeance and the need for her to see her tormentor die. It goes without saying that Jonathan Shores is the opposite side of the same coin with talent. He goes smoothly from pretending not to know what is going on, to the vicious killer that Mia wants to face. His moments of rage and insanity towards being a killer are terrifying. He makes you feel that he isn’t someone you want to interact with face to face.

The way that he tries to not only scare Mia but also scare the audience with the intensity shown in his face and eyes is haunting. Even the way he tries to get Mia to realize they aren’t too different with his manipulation amps up the psychological terror of this movie and his performance shows that he clearly got the assignment for the character. Director Danny Draven even shared his thoughts about the making of the film in a recent press release from Terror Films Releasing:

Restitution is a story about revenge and the ugly forms it can manifest. When I first read the script, I immediately thought of the quote from Confucius, ‘Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.’ Our characters embark on this journey and the film takes you along for the ride!”

Overall, this horror movie has so much incredibly things going for it. It stands among the revenge horror movies as a pretty great contender. There are a lot of things that are going to question your sanity and demand a rewatch just to make sure you didn’t fully miss anything the first time. This is a Terror Films Releasing original that you’re going to want in your digital library. 

TFR will premiere the film across multiple platforms on October 4th, 2024, including Amazon, Tubi TV, Apple TV, Chilling, Kings of Horror, and many more. For horror movie reviews and all things spooky, stay tuned to Macabre Daily for you go to source of terror.

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