Macabredaily Talks One on One with Jennifer Nangle


I have long been a supporter of independent filmmakers, especially those within the horror genre. With Halloween just around the corner, I have had the pleasure of sitting down with one of my favorite independent actresses, Jennifer Nangle, for her take on the world of indie films, acting, and, of course, her spooktacular alter-ego, Malvolia, The Queen of Screams.

REI: I was first introduced to you by one our mutual friends, Richard Trejo, when you appeared on the Disturbing Talks podcast. For those out there who might know you, please introduce yourself.

JENNIFER: I was born on a cold, snowy night in a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts.  Oh? Too much?  How to sum it all up? I’m a blood dripping girl-next door.

 REI: How did you get your start as an actress?

JENNIFER: When I was ten years old. I went to see a staged production of the “Sound of Music” where family friends were cast as the children. I was so amazed that sang songs, remembered their dance steps, and hit their marks. A story played out live right in front of us. I was hooked. From that point on I knew what I wanted to do and tried to do it every moment I could! Still am! 

REI: Looking back over your career, what has been the biggest highlight for you so far?

JENNIFER: Making my first horror short. I have always loved Horror. It made me feel something like no other genre had. I finally had the courage to make Demonic Attachment and it opened up so many doors and I’ve met some really great people who I still collaborate with to this day! 

REI: Is there anything about your career thus far you would change if given a do-over?

JENNIFER: I wouldn’t have said “yes” to everything. I would have been choosier. Taken my time. I had such fomo and thought every little thing that came my way was going to push me to the top. Maybe some of these things did, I don’t know… It’s okay to have a day off. Or to enjoy something other than trying to be cast in a movie.         

REI: What has been the best piece of advice you’ve received regarding your career?

JENNIFER: Just do it (And no, Nike didn’t tell me that!). To pick up a camera and make something on my own. I never wanted to be a filmmaker. Never, ever was part of the plan! I thought I would move to Los Angeles, train (in acting) a bit, and immediately be picked up on a television series, and just have this lifelong career. That certainly didn’t happen. I didn’t think it would be THIS hard. So, to stay creative and work on my acting chops (because classes in LA are so expensive), I do everything myself. I write, act, edit, and produce. No one tells me “No” when I do my own thing. No one says I “don’t have the right look” for the part I created. It’s magical and empowering and eye opening. It makes me a better performer for others.

 REI: Five years ago, you created a character by the name of Malvolia, the Queen of Screams, for your own webseries. Are you surprised by the fact that you’re still creating content for Malvolia after all this time?

JENNIFER: Yes, in all honesty. I didn’t think she was going to make it past six episodes.  I was writing a found footage horror movie based on a horror hostess. I wanted to make her real and thought that the feature would be more attracted to distribution if I already had a fan base around it, so I came up with the webseries idea and had a couple of horror bloggers help me spread the word. I had NO idea how much Malvolia would appeal to people. And here we are… Moving along! But I wouldn’t change it for the world! She’s like an old friend I get to revisit every now and again and I can get a lot of anger and frustration out with her!

 REI: It’s safe to say Malvolia is quite the horror icon. What has it been like getting requests to host events as her?

JENNIFER: Is she? I don’t really consider myself that. I still feel the same as before all of this has started. At least my bank account still is too! It’s always an honor to be asked to do anything! The mere fact that people like what I do and want me to be apart of their event or film is a total compliment and just a blast!  

REI: Do you have a favorite Malvolia episode or special that you’ve filmed?

JENNIFER: Hands down the Halloween Special from Season 2. It was the first time we were breaking out of filming in someone’s apartment and I was able to create this crazy stories and have more than two actors come in and play! That animal hospital felt like home. There was so much room to just spread our wings! Richard Trejo did an incredible job and his talent shined through that piece. I still enjoy it every time I watch. That was during a time that I felt so powerful! So happy! Before I let the negativity that people were saying to me, online, or behind my back get to me. I’ve learned that once people see that power, they cannot wait to tear you down.  And will do anything possible to do it. Season 2 was such a beautiful time.

 REI: Do you have a favorite horror movie?

JENNIFER: Psycho. I could watch that film over and over and over again and never get sick of it. Such a timeless film that still is nerve racking to this day! The Ruins is another one that I can over and over and love!

 REI: If you could appear in a film in any horror franchise, what would you want to star in and why?

JENNIFER: Friday the 13th or any type of J-Horror. I have always loved Jason and there is something about Asian Horror that I just can’t get enough of!

 REI: We are both quite passionate about women in horror and supporting women in within the horror community. Do you think the horror genre is moving forward in its representation of women, and allowing women to have more say behind the camera?

JENNIFER: Yes. I just wish they were using better scripts/content for it. I think the indie scene is doing an amazing job! More powerful women of all ages are playing some really incredible characters in women driven films! Mainstream – meh… They can definitely do better. But I guess everything take time.

 REI: This is a two-part question: The film industry has been put under the microscope over its lack of diversity and its lack of attention to the current political climate. Modern audiences are more ‘woke’ to certain agendas. Do you feel that the lack of diversity is an issue? And how do you feel about movies using their voices to make political statements? (ie; Candyman focusing on racism)

JENNIFER: Being a Caucasian female, I don’t know if I can give this question much justice. I think diversity was extremely lacking, but there have been changes. I also feel that people have every right to make the films they want to make. Though I don’t agree with shoving something into a movie that doesn’t fit the storyline because then the audience just goes, “Huh?” instead of hearing that message.

 REI: What are you currently working on?

JENNIFER: Just Malvolia. Dustin Ferguson’s Hell of the Screaming Undead recently released. It was a film I was case right before the pandemic, so it’s great to see it completed! And I just got word that it is branch off into two more movies that I will be starring in! I’m VERY excited to start 2022 off with some zombies!!!

 REI: Have you had any spooky encounters on a horror movie set?

JENNIFER: I did. When we were filming The Hunt at the animal hospital, I felt as if something attached itself to me. The car ride home was a blur, and I had a bunch of negative thoughts for days afterwards. I don’t want to go into anything more because it really caused a lot sadness, but a friend of mine had to sage me twice on two different occasions the week after. It was nuts.

 REI: Do you believe in the paranormal/supernatural?

JENNIFER: Absolutely! I grew up in Danvers, Massachusetts that was apart of the Salem Witch Trials (we also had a HUGE mental asylum in the town) and I lived in a house until I was 6 years old. Two FULL BODY apparitions have been seen by two different families at that home. I’m a full believer of residual energy.

 REI: What are the biggest obstacles facing independent filmmakers today?

JENNIFER: Money. Especially in Los Angeles, everything is SO expensive. Locations are so important and cost so much. You really have to think outside the box to really get things done, but I feel like budgets are holding me back. Everything I make is on a barely-there budget…. Can you imagine what I could make if I did? I dream about it all the time!

 REI: Do you have any advice for people wanting to follow in your footsteps?

JENNIFER: Just do it. Pick up that camera… Start writing that script or story and just do it. The only person that is holding you back is YOU! We all have different voices, and the world needs to hear them! It’s getting boring out there with these constant remakes that aren’t very good!

I would like to thank Jennifer for her time. She is an incredible actress, writer, and filmmaker so definitely check her work out. You can find her at the links below.

And remember, next time you’re standing in front of your television, scrolling undecidedly through streaming service after streaming service, head on over to YouTube to locate independent features. Show your support for the indie film scene and get behind creators who are making original content. And if you cross paths with Malvolia, tell her Australia’s Ultimate Scream Queen sent you…

Jennifer Nangle Social Media
Jennifer Nangle (@jennifer_nangle) / Twitter
Jennifer Nangle 💋 (@jennifer_nangle) • Instagram photos and videos
Jennifer Nangle | Facebook
Malvolia: the Queen of Screams - YouTube
Jennifer Nangle - IMDb