Melissa McCarthy Reflects on "GHOSTBUSTERS" Five Years Later!
Five Years Later…
Sounds like the beginning of a bad sequel right? Well many felt that same way when a new take on Ghostbusters (Directed by Kevin Feige) was announced for a 2016 reboot. The film has garnered great reviews from critics and fans alike over the last few years and we must admit, if the film is a stand alone, it’s great!
With the upcoming release of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, it seemed only fitting to ask one of the 2016 films cast what was their viewpoint of the 2016 fan outcry.
Star, Melissa McCarthy had a recent interview with Yahoo! News and reflected on the fan support and backlash that was given to the film in 2016.
"There's no end to stories we can tell, and there's so many reboots and relaunches and different interpretations, and to say any of them are wrong, I just don’t get it," McCarthy told us Yahoo Entertainment.
“I don't get the fight to see who can be the most negative and the most hate-filled. Everybody should be able to tell the story they want to tell. If you don't want to see it, you don't have to see it."
We for one enjoyed the one-off film and would be bold enough to say, if there was a sequel, we’d be in the theaters, happy to watch it!
Did you enjoy the 2016, all female lead, Ghostbusters?