More Details Emerge For Shelved "ALIEN Vs. PREDATOR" Anime Series - 3 Story Arcs Were Originally Discussed


Josh Izzo was the main man and former Director of Licensing at 20th Century Fox responsible for kicking off the production of the Alien vs. Predator anime. He mentioned awhile back that two western anime consultants were brought on to the project before it was vaulted. The two men were Dave Baker and Eric Calderon and both recently appeared on an episode of the Best TV Never Made podcast where they discussed their involvement with the still vaulted anime.

Originally reported by our friends at AVP Galaxy, the interview primarily talked about the original concept for the production. What really grabbed us was that the duo revealed that the anime would have been broken down into 3 arcs. These arcs would be the adapted versions of Aliens vs. Predator, the sequel AvP: War and then an original third story to close out Machiko Noguchi’s story in this incarnation.

This news alone would make any AVP Fan bust a nut. Seriously, this is some good news for fans, well…if it ever sees the light of day that is.

AVP Galaxy transcribed the interview and we’re presenting it to you below.

My memory is that the first three episodes where Randy Stradley and Chris Warner’s AvP comic. The next 3 or 4 was the second arc, War, the mini-series which is my personal favourite where Machiko…I guess we should say that. It’s Machiko’s story. We’re doing a trilogy of films that’s Machiko’s story.

Our first three episodes was a very loose adaptation. I don’t think we had the purple rhino’s [the rynth] in there. We did the basic idea of it’s a farmer on an alien world, an Alien infestation breaks out and a Predator comes and she befriends the Predator, they have to team up against the Aliens on this farming world. We had positioned it more as a gritty miner, or oil town, as opposed to an idyllic farming thing which is how it is in the comics.

The middle three or four was a pretty faithful adaptation of War where it was her living with the Predators, doing everything that happens in that arc. And then the last chunk, the last trilogy of episodes, was a new ending place that we had made for her.

AVP Galaxy continues: The duo also discussed plans to have the series focus on Machiko as she aged throughout the events of the stories, ending with her starting a journey that would see her become a General – presumably in the Colonial Marines.

If you’re a fan of the Dark Horse comics Alien Vs. Predator series, this news is down right goosebump inducing. If Disney ever decided to move forward with this, it would be what fans have wanted for a very long time.

You can read more on the details behind the Alien Vs. Predator anime at AVP GALAXY Here.

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