Peacock's "TEACUP" Episode 107 & 108 Recap: The Beginning Of The End (SPOILER-FREE REVIEW)
Photo by: Mark Hill/Peacock
The awaited arrival of Peacock’s final two episodes of “TEACUP” has finally graced our television screens, and just in time for Halloween! Let’s just start off by saying we did NOT expect the ending we received. Again, there are no spoilers here so we’ll try to make it as detailed as possible without giving anything away so you have a chance to watch the finale too.
Last week, we discussed some key components in the series that are now starting to connect what is happening on the Chenoweth farm. But we’re starting to believe that this whole situation may be bigger than anyone could have ever imagined… Arlo is inhabited by a visitor named Harbinger; another visitor that has been dubbed “Assassin” is in search of Harbinger and will do anything possible to not let anyone get in its way.
Not all visitors are good though, and have a very proficient way of disguising themselves. This is the case for Assassin. McNab insists that the mysterious liquid will be able to get everyone over the blue line safely, but only if they are able to find enough to go around. He believes there is a way, but there is a high risk for reward.
Photo by: Mark Hill/Peacock
This Is Nowhere Part 1
When it seems as if all hope is lost, Ruben and Don decide to take charge to do what needs to be done. Within the silo on the Navarro farm lies what is called a “trap.” Remember from the previous episodes when Ruben found himself unable to move and captivated by what was inside? That’s the one. This trap entrances you to the point where you can’t take your eyes off it, and it is believed to be the epicenter of the visitors. Sort of like the motherboard for their “ship” or in this case their mission. It is also said to contain the liquid antidote they need to cross the blue line.
McNab ventures to the Navarro farm before Don and Ruben can make their appearance as he is in search of Travis, but mostly for what he has around his neck. When the trio of Olsen, McNab, and Travis were separated after the incident at the farm, McNab gave Travis a small vial of liquid in case of an emergency. He knows if he can get his hands on that vial, they’ll be able to kickstart the next steps of destroying the Trap. The question is, will it work?
Everyone is on edge as they realize that anyone could be Assassin. Previously, the visitor was transferred from Olsen to Ellen while he was tied up in the barn. This is when Ellen “killed” him, but she had no control over what she was doing. There is a way to rid a human of their visitor… but will the families be able to make an unthinkable choice? We can’t give away how one is to dispose of a visitor but just know that it’s not the most ideal scenario.
Photo by: Mark Hill/Peacock
This Is Nowhere Part 2
Running out of time, the Chenoweths and the Shanleys have a decision to make. Find out who is Assassin and dispose of the entity for good. As we previously mentioned, Ellen was the last inhabitant, but it seems as if everyone is a little “off” these days. Since this is the final episode, we don’t want to spoil anything. Ruben, Don, and McNab have successfully collected the liquid from the trap. Consequently, due to its powerful nature, they were only able to collect enough for a certain amount of people. Meaning that someone is going to have to stay behind while they go look for help.
After several instances where accusations were being tossed around, the families believe they know who Assassin is. Luckily enough, Arlo (Harbinger) was keeping a keen eye on what was going on outside and saw the transfer occur. Now that we know who is inhabited, the final thing to do is to get rid of it and this is done by the use of water. We won’t go into too much detail, but Maggie and James have taken the reigns and decided they will be the ones to end this once and for all. After successfully doing so, the families reconvene and McNab has lined up glasses of liquid for them all to drink.
Ellen has made the difficult decision to stay back on the farm with Don’s dog, Duke so at least she will have some companionship. They insist they will be right back for her as soon as they find help. One by one, they take a big gulp of the liquid and hesitantly cross the blue line… to their surprise, the antidote has worked. They remember that Olsen’s fan is still parked at the end of the driveway and piled inside of it, making their expedition into the unknown.
Photo by: Mark Hill/Peacock
Of course, we’re not going to reveal the ending for you, but let’s just say we have a feeling that a second season may come to fruition. We were left with a few unanswered questions… What will become of the world with the inclusion of the visitors? Do others know about them yet or have they been so secluded off from civilization, that they weren’t even aware of the take-over? Overall, “Teacup” has been a great watch for this Halloween season. The acting, direction, and storyline; everything blended together so well and made for an enjoyable viewing experience. We’re eager to hear if Teacup will be getting green-lit for a well-deserving second season.
Once again, we wanted to thank the amazing folks over at Peacock for the opportunity to review Teacup in its entirety.
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