The Coen Brothers Reportedly Reteaming To Direct A "Very Bloody" Horror Flick


The horror world is a buzz this evening with the news that the Coen Brothers (Fargo, The Big Lebowski, No Country For Old Men) are indeed making a horror flick for their next project.

Ethan Coen seems to have recently announced the film at the Tromsø International Film Festival in Norway. The scoop comes courtesy of the website Montages.

According to the site, “Ethan Coen says that he and his brother Joel have written a new script together, and that the plan is for them to once again collaborate on the direction.”

The site also quotes Ethan Coen, alleging that he made the following comments during a Q&A session at the event: “It’s a pure horror film, and it gets very bloody.”

“If you like Blood Simple, I think you’ll enjoy it,” Coen reportedly added. The film was also referred to as being “horribly funny” by Tricia Cooke, Ethan’s wife and creative partner.

The site notes, “All the preparations are done, but Joel may have to finish another project first.”

Joel and Ethan Coen directed Blood Simple back in 1984, a neo noir crime thriller that “follows a Texas bartender who finds himself in the midst of a murder plot when his boss discovers that he is having a love affair with his wife and he hires a private investigator to kill the couple.”

We’ll bring you more news as we get it.

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