VOD from the Dead Review: ÞORSTI (THIRST) 2019
The tag line really does say it all…
THE LOST BOYS is probably my favorite non-Dracula vampire movie of all time. It hits on every single one of my cylinders. From the amazing soundtrack to the excessive and superficiality of it all. It also happens to be a great vampire movie, with characters that you like (and even hate....fuck you, Laddie) and plenty to discuss on the figurative metaphors about sexuality in the ‘80s. It’s the subtly of JOEL SCHUMACHER’s film that invites discussion, and if he were alive today I’d sure love to ask him personally about this film. Which brings me to STEINÞÓR HRÓAR STEINÞÓRSSON and GAUKUR ÚLFARSSON’s 2019 Icelandic vampire film ÞORSTI (THIRST). A not-so-subtle in the sexuality department vampire romp about a forlorn addict who makes friends with a gay vampire living his best life. What develops is at times sweet, darkly funny, gushingly gruesome, and fiendishly enjoyable!
What’s it about?
Hulda (HULDA LIND KRISTINSDÓTTIR) is an addict who is at rock bottom. Recently arrested and acquitted of killing her own brother after a night she can’t remember she happens to save the life of the Hjörtur (HJÖRTUR SÆVAR STEINASON), a gay vampire with a penchant for literally ripping his victims’ dicks clean off and devouring them. This unlikely pair teams up in a whacky plot involving resurrecting the aforementioned deceased brother, demons, and an Icelandic televangelist cult. I don’t really need to say much more, because if any of the above isn’t your bag of biscuits then THIRST is not for you.
Hjörtur (HJÖRTUR SÆVAR STEINASON) just hanging out
How is it?
THIRST is absolutely bonkers in the best possible way. It is not a perfect film, but it is not aspiring to reach to be taken any more seriously than it presents itself. At its core, it is a tale about two lonely people who are living on the fringe of society who make a connection. That is at its core, but the layers on top of that are what keep this from being anything but the dramatic core story it is telling. Wrapped on top of this sentimental tale is heaps of dark and macabre humor. There is one particular scene where a cab driver tells one of the most unbelievably absurd stories of all time to a passenger that barely acknowledges the hearing of it. She barely flinches. Meanwhile, I’m at home dying of laughter and shock at the same time. While some of the humor is darkly witty, some of it is good old fashioned sight gags. And let’s be clear, there is no shortage of that going on here. While it does wear a tad thin towards the end, it’s as distracting as it is entertaining.
The humor and the visual effects are the driving forces at play here. The gore gags are phenomenally moist and plentiful, and only suffer when there is the occasional use of CGI blood. The acting from the two leads HULDA LIND KRISTINSDÓTTIR and HJÖRTUR SÆVAR STEINASON is better than your average independent fare, and the juxtaposition of their friendship keeps your interest while making some attempts at really heartfelt discussions on loneliness, addiction, isolation, and loss. The thing is, it makes the tone of the film a bit scattered. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a bad thing in the grand scheme of things, it’s just something that was quite noticeable when it happened. Like when Hulda and Hjörtur are talking about how being a vampire and an addict has caused them both profoundly lonely and depressing lives, and then we cut to Hulda’s vampire brother playfully drinking from the geyser exploding out of another person’s neck. It’s a touching moment that ultimately is overshadowed by a quick gag, so I can’t blame the filmmakers for trying.
And to my final note about trying. If there is one thing that stands out about this film is that the filmmakers, HRÓAR STEINÞÓRSSON and GAUKUR ÚLFARSSON, really do try some things out here. The editing, the visual shifts to emphasize the storytelling, some of the humor, and just the overall script. These two filmmakers go bold when it comes to experimenting as they sporadically infuse different techniques that both remind you that you’re watching a movie, and also that it’s art. It is also worth noting that the music here is superb. A wonderful synth-wave soundtrack that fits the playful and almost surreal qualities of the film and it’s aesthetic.
Hulda (HULDA LIND KRISTINSDÓTTIR) is a bloody mess.
The Last Rites
THIRST is a bold and entertaining entry into the evolving vampire genre. With its darkly comic sense of humor and over the top gore gags if you like similar splatterfests like DEAD ALIVE you’re sure to enjoy this Icelandic cult-classic in the making!
The Gory Details
Directed by:
Approx. 90 minutes
When and where can you watch it?
Direct from a well-received festival run, where it played such fests as ScreamFest 2020, London FrightFest, and Out On Film, THIRST comes to DVD and Digital 12/1 from UNCORK’D ENTERTAINMENT.