[VIDEO] Matthew McConaughey Talks About His "Wild" Audition for TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE NEXT GENERATION


Well alright, alright, alright! Since today is August 18th (National Texas Chainsaw Massacre Day) we have a special video just for you fiends!

The Texas Chainsaw franchise has seen it’s highs and lows over the years but one sequel to the original story has a surprising cast member, Matthew McConaughey!

Yep, good ol’ cousin Vilmer in TCM: The Next Generation was played my McConaughey back in 1994(the film wouldn’t see a release until 1997, and that release was HEAVILY edited down).

Over on his YouTube channel this week, the actor reflects on the film over 25 years later.

“I had already done Dazed and Confused the summer before, in Austin, Texas. Now I went back to school, graduated, and had my U-Haul packed up. Just as I was about to drive out to Hollywood, I got offered this role in this horror picture, Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” the actor reflects. “It was a one-day role. A guy who rides up on a motorcycle at the beginning of the movie, sees Renée Zellweger’s character on school campus, she sees him, he rides off. She goes through her night of hell, and almost gets killed, and the next day at school he rides back up, she sees him, jumps on the motorcycle, they ride off. No lines. Just sort of Romeo to Juliet character.”

McConaughey continues, “I go to the production office, I’m talking to the director, Kim Henkel, and he says, ‘Matthew, do you have anybody in mind who could play the lead killer, Vilmer’ – the guy who drives the tow truck, hangs the kids up on a winch, has a mechanical leg. And I gave him a couple names of local actors I knew… as I got to the curb to get in my truck, which already had my U-Haul packed up, I said, ‘I should try for that role.’ So I went back down the sidewalk, went in, I said, ‘I want to try out for the role of Vilmer.’

The girl that was the secretary goes, ‘I’ll do it!’ I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a big table spoon out of the drawer, came back in, and just pinned her in a corner and acted like it was a weapon. And did it until she cried. And they yelled ‘Cut,’ and Kim was like, ‘That was good.’ And the girl was like, ‘Yeah, that was really good. You really scared me.’ And Kim goes, ‘Do you want the part?'”

It’s nice to see someone of McConaughey’s stature looking back on his Horror roots.