Zach Snyder Not Interested In A Directors Cut For 'ARMY OF THE DEAD' More Interested In Franchise Development


Zach Snyder is a busy man. He has a new two part film coming to Netflix called Rebel Moon and has already made it known that a directors cut will indeed be released for the film at a later date. However, among Snyder's work, he's confident that one feature doesn't need—and won't—receive a director's cut: Army of the Dead.

While speaking with Collider at CCXP this year, Snyder revealed why he feels Army of the Dead doesn't need a director's cut. He explains that things at Netflix were so accommodating and easy, the need for a director’s cut was never mentioned.

"But the cool thing was with Netflix, and I had this experience on Army [of the Dead], was that they were so cool with what I wanted to do. That’s why there’s not a director’s cut of Army, because it was really just the movie. They never said, 'Oh…' I think the only thing they wanted me to take out was the zombie penis because we had it in the opening credits. One of the Chippendale’s dancers had this huge cock with a bite taken out of it. I had a shot of it, and they were like, 'Look, is there any way…?” And I was like, 'Alright.'"

Army of the Dead was initially released in May 2021, quickly becoming a hit with Netflix viewers. About five months following the movie's release, a prequel entitled Army of Thieves was released, taking place during the early stages of the zombie apocalypse that would happen in full force in Army of the Dead. However, the prequel screenplay was not written by Snyder (who instead contributed to the story), nor was it directed by him. Additionally, an animated prequel to Army of the Dead, Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas, is in the works, but no release date has been set. Several cast members from the original movie are confirmed to return. Finally, in July 2021, Netflix announced that Army of the Dead 2 is officially in development, which Snyder plans to focus on following Rebel Moon.

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