DEAD TEENAGERS Is A Meta-Slasher That Upends Genre Conventions! (TRAILER)


Meta-horror is not a new thing, but it certainly has been more prominent in the last few years. Perhaps the rise of social media and the overwhelming reliance we have on our devices today can explain the resurgence of more meta content that asks us to imagine a version of reality not too dissimilar from our current one that is darker and scarier. These self-aware movies are usually in on the joke and encouraging you to laugh with the film, not at it, while also blurring the 4th wall. While meta-horror is not specific to one sub-genre or another, slashers are always a great foundation for the self-reflexive horrors these kinds of films propagate. This is no more apparent than in the third and final trailer for Cranked Up Films trilogy of terrors, Fresh Hell Presents Dead Teenagers!

“Dead Teenagers” takes the premises of a slasher and toys with conventions to create something as innovative as it is self-aware. From the looks of the trailer, viewers are in for all the fixings like camp killers, bloody murder, and a lot of dead teens. Check out the trailer for “Dead Teenagers” below, and if you missed the other trailers for Quinn Armstrong’s series, you can check them out here and here!

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