"Music Of The Macabre" Is A Must Have Album This Halloween


We listen to music a lot while writing and finding all the most Macabre news and articles to bring you fine fiends so when a new album that has the title of “MUSIC OF THE MACABRE” literally jumps out at us through our morning news hunt, we of course had to take a listen.

We must admit, the new album by composer George Streicher and performed by the Budapest Scoring Orchestra and Choir and various soloists, truly made us feel like Halloween was already here.

Who better to talk about the album than the composer himself, George Streicher.

“Halloween has always been very special to me. As a kid, it meant hay rides, haunted houses, renting scary movies, and trick-or-treating through our idyllic Illinois suburb. My memories of Halloween are filled with warmth and wild imagination. So, I decided to write and record this album in an attempt to capture some of that spirit. Many of these tracks are drenched in nostalgia for my childhood (Memories of Halloween, The Ghost of John). Others pay homage to the kind of music that I grew up hearing, whether it was in a haunted house, a movie, or Halloween CD or cassette. I have even gone so far as to include some of the houses from my hometown in the artwork. Composing this music and producing this album has been an intense labor of love—one that has enriched my passion for the genre and season. My hope is that this music will evoke the same magic and thrills that I experienced while writing it, and that it will bring charm and excitement to whoever finds it. For all of the eternal trick-or-treaters, this music is for you.”

This haunting collection of music features 10 tracks and a runtime of 25 minutes, providing the perfect soundtrack for your Halloween celebration.

The album is already available in a few formats but you better be quick as the cassette version has already sold out. The vinyl version of the album is set to be shipped right before Halloween. Perfect timing if we do say so ourselves.

You can purchase the album in various formats HERE.

MUSIC OF THE MACABRE is sure to be a hit with fans of classical music and the spooky season.

Here’s a peek at one of our favorite tracks from the album so far SAMHAIN!

Don't miss out on this limited availability release and add MUSIC OF THE MACABRE to your Halloween music collection today.

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