Predator Sequel To Be Led By 10 Cloverfield Lane Director Dan Trachtenberg
Finally, news sci-fi fanboys and gals can get behind. Word just got out that a new installment in the Predator franchise is being developed. Dan Trachtenberg, best known in the science fiction circuits for directing 10 Cloverfield Lane, is set to produce the fifth installment to the predator franchise, according to a recent report from Patrick Aison, who previously produced scripts for films and shows like Jack Ryan, Kingdom, and Treadstone is set to write for the next Predator film.
10 Cloverfield Lane 2016
This franchise has seen its share of peaks and valleys, beginning with (in my opinion) the best one which was introduced back in 1987, followed 3 years later with the "urban" version, then fast-forward to a two-part sequel of a studio franchise collaboration (Aliens) that had an expensive budget followed by mixed reviews. The upcoming sequel film is being developed by 20th Century Films, which falls under the Disney umbrella of intellectual properties, acquired from Fox back in 2019.
Predator 1987
In the original film, we see a group of muscle-bound military mercenaries on the way to a Central American jungle, contracted by the CIA to rescue a reconnaissance military group, only to be confronted by the Predator, who has a "devastating" physical and technological advantage over all the militants. Hunts down everyone, till it's down to one. The sequel, Predator 2 takes place in the future of 1997 in Los Angeles during a heatwave while a cartel turf war is taking place. The long-awaited (20 years) third film, Predators, showed humans getting kidnapped and subjected to an alien world, that acted as a game preserved where they were hunted prey. 2018 The Predator, we get two Predators that have altered DNA. One's a fugitive attempting to help humanity, and the other one is the enforcer trying to preserve its species plan for dominion.
The Predator 2018
2018's The Predator was in many words a disappointing calamity. It was not well received by critics or from its franchise loyal fan base. With hopeful prosperity that the film's director Shane Black would have brought the franchise with The Predator, Black having to work on successful projects like Lethal Weapon, Iron Man 3, and cast on the original Predator. The film's multiple reshoots, rewrites, delays, and sexual scandals might have affected the production and outcome of the film's success. Sources say that "Predator 5" will not have continuity to the previous sequels.
“They are keeping the plot line under wraps for the moment, but I’m told it won’t swing back to the developments in the most recent film. Fox made its last entry in the 2018 thriller The Predator.”
For future news on the upcoming Predator sequel , keep checking with us here at . Let us know what you think. Are you excited to see the big guy back on the sliver screen? or do you feel that the franchise has already ran its course? we want to know.