Fantastic Fest Kicks Off With The Intense Home Invasion Thriller ‘The Uncle’


Film festivals and premiers of horror films tend to go hand in hand. Horror is that kind of genre that gets films made by the gory truckload and we horror fans can’t get enough. Some of the best and fan favorite horrors have come from film festivals in the past few decades. We all loved how ‘The Blair Witch Project’, ‘Paranormal Activity’ so many more following them have put us on the edge of seats. They have skyrocketed to huge franchises and been a part of our horror libraries for years. It is why when we get wind of a new film festival with the potential of showing a future horror classic, that we flock to it like zombies to a brain feeding frenzy.

One of the most wonderfully exciting times for horror fans is happening now and Macabre Daily is your go to source for Fantastic Fest 2023 coverage! This year, a terrifyingly terrific selection of the team here at Macabre Daily have been invited to participate in a series of virtual screenings premiering at Fantastic Fest in Austin, TX. This year’s selection of films ranges from the darkly comedic to the dreadfully macabre (pun intended for our ghoulish readers out there) and all things fantastic in between. Check out the review below for “The Uncle”. This movie stars Predrag Miki Manojlovic, Ivana Roscic, Goran Bogdan, and Kaja Sismanovic. It is directed by David Kapac and Andrija Mardesic. The synopsis for the movie is as follows:


“Yugoslavia, late 1980s. Parents and son are hastily making the final preparations for Christmas Eve dinner. Their beloved uncle from Germany will be parking his Mercedes in front of the house any moment now and everything has to be ready. But, hang on……..are things really as they seem?”


What can be said about this movie. It was intense, dark, depraved and all around a crazy experience. The movie takes you through quite the roller coaster ride. You are never really sure where the story is going. You may feel that you have a handle on what is going on, but it will throw you through a loop that will make you question your ability to figure out a horror movie.


The movie centers around a husband, wife and son awaiting the arrival of the family’s uncle for his yearly holiday visit. Things seem normal at first but there is that underlining urge to find out what is exactly beneath the smiles and celebration this family are sharing together. Watching this I was not only on the edge of my seat, but was confused and not exactly sure what I was in for. It seemed like the typical family movie where you think something is bound to happen to this “loving” family, but as the story continues to unfold, you question everything.


The story was very well done. It was driven, and one of those kinds of movies that kind made you feel like you were going insane along with the protagonists with each passing minute. There were a lot of underlying themes in this movie about family, lost childhood, fond family memories and over all the tone of why good memories should stay memories. I was greatly surprised at how this movie made me feel emotionally, mentally and psychologically. It truly was an enjoyable watching experience. It was a kind of movie watching experience that left you feeling dread and disturbed but also feeling that urge to find out what happens next.


Not only was the storyline truly great, but the way that this movie was shot was a fantastic look through the eyes of the directors and the characters of the movie. The way that the film shifts from its beautifully shot cinematic filters and colors, to the gritty look of dread with the dark undertones, filters and mute colors was such an emphasis on the movie that it made it that much more enjoyable. Not to mention feeling nostalgic a bit at some of the furniture, clothes and etc, but feeling very nostalgic with the old camcorder VHS videos you watched with the “home videos”.


The stand out among the movie was the entire cast of this movie. The way the mother character carried the burden of everything going on in this movie was well performed. The father character being a supportive husband but also someone that doesn’t really do his duty as the household protector was very well acted. The way that the son’s actor portrayed his struggle with being in this family, the turmoil that he takes on as the youngest member of the family but also his anger towards everything happening was inspiring. Lastly, the way the actor played the uncle character was terrifying, intense but not to mention the way that he stole the show was really well done.


It was hard to think what didn’t work with me on this movie. The unexpected twists, turns and terror that is revealed to the audience really speaks volumes to why this was a great experience for those who enjoy a great psychological thriller. The director really focused on the pain, despair and tragedy that this family had to face. Not to spoil the ending (and I won’t), but the way the family has these looks on their faces at the end when the weight and reality of their situation sinks in makes me feel this could be one of those greats you will want to have in your library for multiple viewings.


I got to say that if you are a fan of those weird psychological thriller/horror movies, this will be one that you will greatly enjoy. The best way that I can describe this movie is that it is a mix of ‘Funny Games’, ‘Last House on the Left’ and an odd but not very similar dash of ‘Groundhog’s Day’. It is a must watch for anyone who enjoys a movie that will mess with their head well after the credits roll.


‘The Uncle’ from Eclectia & Sense is one of many movies that are premiering at Fantastic Fest that Macabre Daily will be covering. Stay tuned for more coverage here and on our social media pages.

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