MacabreDaily's SDCC Image Gallery!


Comic Con International is sort of like a religious pilgrimage for many. If you haven’t experienced the spectacle or madness that occurs, ya just won’t understand it. If, on the other hand, you have been in the thick of all things pop culture for a glorious week/weekend in San Diego…you know EXACTLY what we mean.

In saying that, we tried our best to capture as many Horror and Sci-Fi related pictures for you fiends who didn’t get a chance to attend. So without further adieu…


Photos by Tony Ace

Photos by Tony Ace

Photos by Tony Ace

Photos by Tony Ace

Photos by Tony Ace

Photos by Tony Ace

Photos by Tony Ace

Photos by Tony Ace

Photos by Tony Ace

Photo by Tony Ace

Photo by Tony Ace

Actor/Author, Dan Fogler at the Heavy Metal Booth.

Photo by Sam Santiago

Photo By Sam Santiago

Actor Jacob Anderson during the INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE Press Conference.

Photo by Sam Santiago

These are just a few of the many photos our senior photographer Tony Ace was able to gather during Comic Con.

You can check out even more photos at Tony’s Instagram page found HERE!

Stay up to date with “The Dark Side Of Pop Culture” by following MacabreDaily on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.