Via HotDog.com

The folks at HotDog.com have just published the findings in their new research study on the most popular horror movies in each U.S. state, and the results are surprising to say the least!

California is enraptured with the 1973 Vincent Price film, THEATER OF BLOOD, taking the top spot in that state, while THE SHINING, inspired by Stephen King’s stay at the Stanley Hotel in Colorado, takes the number one slot in that state.

Vincent Price’s THEATER OF BLOOD leads in the Golden State, while THE SHINING easily tops in Colorado.

Oregon leads the U.S. as the state that is the most interested in horror movies (which makes this particular writer VERY happy), followed by Alaska, Washington DC, Utah, and Wyoming. According to their findings, Southeastern states seem to have the least interest in scary movies, with Florida as the least interested overall, followed by Georgia, the Carolinas, and Mississippi.

Their study metrics pulled the list of the top 200 best horror movies from Rotten Tomatoes to determine a set of candidate movies that each state might be most obsessed with. The data used to determine which movie each state is most obsessed with came from Google Trends state-wise search frequencies. For example, if you look at the relative search frequency for “The Shining” across states you see that people in Colorado have searched more for this movie than any other state.

You can read more on the study at HotDog.com.

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