Wes Craven Produced Horror Flick 'THE BREED' Getting A Remake


Anybody remember the 2006 flick ‘THE BREED’? Yeah, many people don’t and it’s almost been 20yrs since its release and the only really memorable aspect of the flick was it being produced by Wes Craven. News has now come our way that the flick is getting a remake.

Variety reports this week that Grace Caroline Currey (Fall) will star in the upcoming remake of The Breed, which will be directed by filmmaking brothers Sean and Bryan Furst.

The remake is described as “an unconventional reimagining of the Wes Craven cult classic,” though again the original movie wasn’t directed by Craven and isn’t quite a cult classic but hey, its a good background noise maker for sure.

In any event, Curmudgeon Films will be producing The Breed.

In the new take on the 2006 horror movie, “Violet [Grace Caroline Currey] is a rebel icon and badass on a mission to search for abandoned dogs on a remote island which leads to complete adrenaline-fueled terror.”

Another thing about ‘THE BREED’ is that you saw a lot of familiar faces in the flick like Michelle Rodriguez, Taryn Manning, and Oliver Hudson.

Check out the original trailer for ‘THE BREED’ below.

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