What Is Life Without Death Awaiting? "WE GO ON (REMASTERED)" Review



We often find ourselves petrified by the thought of death or just the thought of “dying” in general; others may accept it. I know that sounds macabre, but you’ve had to ask yourself at least once, “Is there really life after death?”

The 2016 horror/mystery film “WE GO ON” headed to Blu-ray/DVD and digital earlier last week (May 21st) in an all-new remastered format. Not only has it been restored digitally with enhanced visual effects, but it also includes commentary from stars Annette O’Toole, Clark Freeman, and directors/writers, Jesse Holland and Andy Mitton (Yellowbrickroad).


Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1

Audio: 5.1 Surround/Stereo 2.0

Synopsis (Overview):

Miles Grissom (Freeman), an introverted video editor, is paralyzed by his fear of dying, and in an attempt to overcome this fear, he posts an ad in the paper stating that he will give $30,000 to whoever can prove to him that there is life after death. Either by showing him an angel, a demon, a ghost, or anything that will prove his theory. He receives over 1,500 inquiries but narrows down his selection to three people; a scientist, a medium, and a well-traveled entrepreneur. As you would imagine, the majority of the videos and emails he acquired were fakes. Either well played pranks, special effects work, or simply just frauds of their supposed craft.


While driving in the car with his mother Charlotte (Annette O’Toole), he receives a voicemail from an unknown caller, stating that he can show Miles what he wants to see, a ghost. The voice over the phone speaker also claims that he is with a ghost as they speak, and mentions a grandfather clock. Oddly enough, Miles never gave out his phone number in the ad, and for some reason, he can’t get the phrase “grandfather clock” out of his head.

After realizing that he is editing an infomercial that has a grandfather clock in the background, it finally clicks. The ghostly face of a woman can be seen in the video he is editing within the glass of the grandfather clock. Without knowing how to drive due to his phobias, Miles hesitantly grabs his mothers keys and looks up a “how to drive” video in attempt to make it to Los Angeles to meet the caller. Ultimately, getting a whole lot more than what he bargained for.


After a first read at the synopsis of the film, we were immediately intrigued. Being familiar with the works of directors Jesse Holland and Andy Mitton and having our hopes pretty high, we were pleasantly not disappointed. WE GO ON is a thought-provoking horror film shrouded in mystery that reaches inside the depths of your mind. To think that you could possibly have a ghost following you for the rest if your life is terrifying, but also reassuring in the sense that maybe there is an afterlife. The horror aspects used with jump scares and psychological terror worked really well and the storyline flowed but didn’t drag on. With this film originally coming out in 2016, I’m shocked and disappointed that I haven’t seen it before, but glad it is getting recognition.

WE GO ON leaves you pondering the question we began with, “is the afterlife real?” Anytime a movie can make you feel a certain melancholy way like that is a winner in our book. I also wanted to touch on the cinematography and soundtrack a bit; the muted coloring mixed with the ominous yet thrilling sound work made for the perfect setting in your typical sunny California. From beginning to the end, you can notice that the hues and saturation begin to brighten as Miles is finally satisfied with his life and begins to overcome his once debilitating fears.

The “twists” within the film actually had me guessing when I can normally keep up to speed as to what’s going on, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Specifically speaking, the initial scene with Nelson (spoilers ahead). When Miles and Nelson, our mysterious caller, finally meet at the field behind the LAX airport, Nelson brings Miles to an abandoned housing building far off into the woods. Leading Miles up the stairs to one of the rooms, Nelson opens the door and reveals a body on the floor… his own body. Miles immediately faints and lands in a pool of blood and decaying bodily fluids. Finally seeing the ghost he’s oddly been yearning for.

As for the casting, each individual depicted their roles exceptionally well. It was a nice surprise to see Clark Freeman and Laura Heisler (Alice) together again on the big screen since “Yellowbrickroad.” You can sense that they have great chemistry on set and mesh seamlessly together. More spoilers incoming; the scene at the end of the film where Alice shoots Miles in attempts for him to briefly experience “death” to rid him of Miles ghost. It was actually saddening but shows you that Alice truly cared for Miles without even knowing him. Annette O’Toole played the over-protective yet badass mother that Miles needed in his life all along. Not to mention, Jay Dunn was perfect as the eccentrically creepy airport maintenance worker Nelson whose part gave the film a huge turning point, in a good way.


Overall, this film was genuinely enjoyable, and we would highly recommend it to any indie horror fan. A good storyline, good acting, and a great pay-off at the end (with a few bone-chilling scares), what more could you ask for? WE GO ON is now available on Blu-ray/DVD and digital, streaming on all platforms! Also, a special thanks to Lightyear Entertainment for giving us the opportunity to review WE GO ON.


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