A Documentary Filmmaker Becomes "A CURSED MAN" (2025) This March! (TRAILER)
Horror fans often fall into two categories with respect to the occult; obsessed or terrified. The latter group are likely applying the lessons learnt from so many horror films about messing with powers you don’t fully understand, while the former group are like moths to a dark flame as their curiosity overpowers any potential danger. Regardless of where you land on the belief spectrum, it is undeniable that there are things we just don’t understand and may never, at least in our lifetimes. But what happens when a documentary filmmaker indulges the darkest of urges by volunteering to be cursed?
From Second Shot Film and Documentary Filmmaker Liam Le Guillou comes, “A Cursed Man,” which will release on digital VOD on March 25, 2025, and having it’s debut in LA on March 22, 2025. The trailer and synopsis below offer up some intriguing details about this exploration into the world of the occult, and we can’t wait to see what it’s all about!
From The Press Release
Documentary filmmaker Liam Le Guillou enters the world of witchcraft: and the occult, searching for an answer to the question “is magic real?” Seeking out some of the world's most powerful dark magic practitioners, Le Guillou will ask the unthinkable - will they put a Curse on him. Meeting with Witches in California, Voodoo practitioners in New Orleans, Tantrics in India, and even a Satanist Shaman in Mexico, the filmmaker exposes himself to some of the world’s darkest magic. On his Journey, Le Guillou meets with psychologists, and scientists studying the real world effects of magic and the power of belief.
As the consequences of his request begin to hit home, Le Guillou seeks out help from the very witches that warned him of his actions, forcing him to question the nature of reality in this dangerous, never-before-seen, dark social experiment.
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