Costume Designer Details How Robin Was Killed In Zach Snyder's BATMAN V. SUPERMAN


The Joker and Batman have been at odds for literally decades. Throughout those years one thing has remained true at every turn…The Joker HATES Robin. We mean HATES. It’s a known fact that, at least in the comic universe that is Batman, The Joker has jumped at the chance to torture, maim, or even potentially KILL anyone who dons the suit and moniker of Robin.

Sure, Batman is his arch enemy, but more times than not, The Joker has sad “I can’t kill you, you’re too much fun!” He enjoys the challenge that Batman provides. Robin…kids just a pest.

As of yet, we haven’t seen much of the Robin that would inhabit Zach Snyder’s DC Universe and that is honestly a good thing. The mystique surrounding the image of Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) brooding while gazing at a glass case that holds the tattered and beaten remains of his ally and sidekick, Robin. This image alone sold me on what Zach Snyder was trying to do.

Jared Leto has confirmed he will be returning as The Joker in some capacity for the HBO MAX version Of Justice League, could this mean we will also get a better look at what happened to Robin? Let’s face it, his exploits in Suicide Squad were bare minimum and we all know Mr. J can get CRAZY at times so we would love for Leto to really let loose.

There is a well circulated rumor that The Joker burned down Wayne Manor and killed Robin in the process. That’s why Bruce is so hesitant to rebuild it in these films. He’s definitely got the money so that ain’t the issue. The place means something to him. Perhaps rebuilding it would mean he has forgotten about what took place there, and thus about Robin.

If this is the case, and they indeed include some sort of reference to the incident in the film, it will be gruesome.

Specialty costume manufacturer Douglas J. Stewart recently shared a closeup of Robin's costume on Instagram, detailing the work that went into creating it.

He explains that, "[Robin] was brutally murdered and then set ablaze by the Joker. The story had to be told in the salvaged costume on display inside the Batcave."

In this version of the DC Universe, Dick Grayson is the Robin in question that was murdered, not Jason Todd as was the case in the comics. Either way, that’s a brutal way to get taken out.

Here’s hoping we get a little bit more info on what exactly went down at Wayne Manor in Zach Snyder’s Justice League on HBO Max. We for sure are intrigued.

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