FANTASTIC FEST 2024: Cast & Director of "WHAT HAPPENED TO DOROTHY BELL?" (2024) Discuss How Frightening Family Can Be (INTERVIEW)


Found Footage films offer up an experience unlike any other in horror in that they are keenly focused on embedding the viewer in the action. The first-person perspective, along with all the hallmarks of the genre like shaky cams and low lighting don’t just immerse the viewer in the horrors unfolding but offer a more intimate glimpse into our own personal afflictions and history. On the topic of mental health, the medium has expressed all manners of stories speaking to the alignment of mental health struggles and horror, yet one area remains relatively untouched, generational trauma.

In “What Happened To Dorothy Bell?”, which had its world premiere at Fantastic Fest this year, generational trauma and mental health are at the forefront. We were fortunate enough to spend some time with Director Danny Villanueva Jr. along with several members of the cast including:

  • Asya Meadows (Ozzie Gray)

  • Michael Hargrove (Darren Gray)

  • Lisa Wilcox (Dr. Robin Connelly)

  • Sargon Ochido (Amir Kashif)

  • Arlene Arnone Bibbs (Dorothy Bell)

Check out the interview below, and we will bring our review later this week!

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