Some of you may be old enough to remember the “Staff Selections/Recommendations” wall at your local video store. For those who aren’t, think of it as a curation of cinema from largely a staff of folks who share a deep and varied passion for all times of films. There was always an art-house person, a horror person, a blockbuster person, and so on. Each week, or month, they would suggest a row of films to patrons who were trusting enough to take recommendations from strangers whose only credentials are a nametag and unlimited access to movies. While the idea of video stores makes less and less sense in a digital first world, the “Staff Selections” is certainly something we can keep alive. With that in mind, some of the contributors here at Macabre Daily have taken it upon themselves to provide a list of five films they suggest for your horror-themed Halloween watching. We will post new lists throughout the week, and links to the prior suggestions throughout.
So without further ado, from his crypt to your television, Macabre Daily’s Editor-in-Chief....Sam Santiago
Follow Sam on Instagram and Twitter at @macabredaily
Art courtesy of Matt Ryan Tobin
Ernest Scared Stupid
Ya have comedy, scary trolls, and a great 90s cast that makes each scene enjoyable and fun. Ernest Scared Stupid is a guilty pleasure film for me. It's a must-watch every year and, truth be told, rivals Hocus Pocus as far as which spooky 90s film we enjoy more. If you've never seen this film, it's just silly and spooky enough for everyone to add it to their list. It was also the final Ernest film to be released in theaters through Disney.
Night Of The Living Dead
Zombies, Tony Todd, and an amazing display of practical effects by Everett Burrell wrapped in one make NOTLD 1990 is an epic remake that many today could learn from. The film’s screenplay was written by the original director of NOTLD, George Romero, and directed by Tom Savini, two juggernauts in the world of Horror. Add Tony Todd to the mix as Ben and you have a can't miss horror epic. The social commentary alone for this film is riveting and, even though it was shot so long ago, still rings true today.
Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives
This flick is Jason at his best! And the only film in the original sequels that have kids actually attending Camp Crystal Lake. The film also has many inside jokes that are hilarious. The film really blends good horror with humor.
Tale From The Crypt: DEMON KNIGHT
The first (and best) of the short-lived Tales From The Crypt films, Demon Knight had some epic star power with Billy Zane and Jada Pinkett at their peak acting abilities, the film really does lend itself to multiple watches. With just the right amount of schlock, kills, and laughs, Demon Knight is a must every year.