Micheline Pitt Channels Her Sexual Abuse Survival Story Into Oscar-Contending Short, ‘Grummy’


We here at Macabredaily cover all things dark and sinister yet, the real world sometimes can be even scarier than those movies we enjoy so much. Sometimes monsters live in our homes, our families, and can be people we trust.

To deal with these tragic events/people who hurt us, our minds sometimes block out memories or even, let our imagination take over and we find other avenues to venture down instead of the dark path that sometimes leads to substance abuse or worse. Such is the story of Micheline Pitt and her new short film "Grummy.”

Deadline has offered the first look at Grummy, a short film from writer-directors R.H. Norman and Micheline Pitt, which saw Hollywood’s major agencies scrambling to sign the husband-and-wife filmmaking duo, with Verve prevailing.

You can check out the entire film below.

The film inspired by the works of Tim Burton and Guillermo del Toro is one of the highest funded projects of its kind in the history of Kickstarter, having raised more than $116,000, and will be submitted for Oscar consideration this year.

Pitt describes Grummy as “a story of how fantasy saved my life.” The gothic fairy tale inspired by her personal sexual abuse survival story is about a young girl’s flight from a troubled childhood into the amber fields—and long fangs—of her imagination. It’s billed as a love note to the monsters and fantastic worlds that sustained her will to live during the darkest moments of her childhood, and to all the other kids out there who have had to rely on their imaginations alone to protect them.

“This story is very personal, because I was this little girl. I used my imagination to escape from an abusive childhood; I used books, movies and toys to get away. If I didn’t have my imagination-if didn’t have these things-I don’t think I would be here today.”

Violet McGraw (The Haunting of Hillhouse, Black Widow) stars in Grummy alongside actor Tom Degnan (Limitless) and Alex Ward (Westworld).

Rounding out the production team are legendary Producer and Effects Artist, Kevin Yagher (Sleepy Holly, Child’s Play), who brought Grummy to life with full animatronics and a life-sized creature suit, Producers Gary Deocampo and Anthony DiBlasi (Dread, Last Shift), Production Designers Nicole Balzarini and Doug Williams, Composer Jason Turbin, and Director of Photography Sean McDaniel.