Titan Comics CONAN Reboot Is Like A Blast From The Past


In August Titan Comics are bringing Conan back, but rather than reinvent the wheel or trying to chase trends or audiences, they are going back to basics. With the help of Jum Zub’s writing (Conan The Barbarian (2019 and Roberto De La Torre’s art (Iron Man (2008), they look to recapture the very classic style and feel of 80’s and 90’s Conan comics.

And they absolutely nailed it. Improved with better colouring and print quality, the first issue takes me back to my childhood, reminding me of the first comics I bought and read a dozen times. The dialog and narration, the art and framing, it all shows a level of dedication and eye for detail that a legacy IP like Conan truly deserves.

The setup in the issue is as stock standard Conan-style plot. Conan is returning to his home of Cimmeria after years abroad when he meets a Pict scout heralding an imminent threat. A relentless army has been ravaging the Pictish tribes and are now set to threaten the world. Though the framework is predictable, the details are intriguing, and the delivery makes it a joy to read.

Even in just this one issue they show huge potential for their narrative a style. This clearly know how to make an action-based comic work and flow. Nothing is put in narrative that can’t be covered by dialog, and both are kept as succinct as possible. The focus is clearly on the action and most of the narrative description is focused on giving weight and viscera to blows.

All in all, this is a series to keep an eye on. The technical style makes it a fun and easy read, and it already feels like they have a story with a lot of potential.

CONAN THE BARBARIAN #1 by Titan Comics goes on sale 26th of July, 2023

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